Our 35 Most Memorable Britney Spears Moments | The Odyssey Online
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Our 35 Most Memorable Britney Spears Moments

The Queen of Pop just turned 35. While we've been listening to her hits for years, we take a look back on some of her most memorable moments.

Our 35 Most Memorable Britney Spears Moments

The Queen of Pop just turned 35 years old. While Britney has been gracing the charts over the years, she has also made pop culture history. Here are some of her most memorable moments.

1. It's Britney Bitch

2. The dynamic denim duo

3. Carpool Karaoke

4. The Infamous Madonna Kiss

5. When Britney discovered Ryan Seacrest isn't gay.

6. That legendary red leather jumpsuit.

7. When she fearlessly danced with a snake.

8. When she ran the 2016 Billboard Music Awards.

9. When she showed us how fun it can be to a flight attendant.

10. That time she took over the mall with Ellen.

11. When she made her comeback on her Good Morning America with "Circus."

12. That time she took over "Glee."

13. When Britney, Beyonce and Pink happened.

14. That infamous Rolling Stone cover.

15. When she was married 55-hours.

In 2004, Britney married her childhood friend Jason at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. Three days later, the couple ending up getting an annulment as the "joke went too far."

16. Then came K-Fed and their reality show "Chaotic."

17. Britney's iconic pregnancy moments.

18. Who could forget this VMA's outfit?

19. Also that time she took over the VMA's with G-Eazy.

20. Her "Slumber Party" with Tinashe.

21. When she was a judge on the X- Factor.

22. Her classic X - Factor reaction faces.

23. At 21, she became the youngest music artist ever to nab a star on the Walk of Fame.

24. In 2008 when she not only took home her first moon man but she took home THREE.

25. When she was on "The Mickey Mouse Club."

Britney wasn't the only famous face in the 1994 hit. Other famous faces along the popstar include Christina Aguilera, Ryan Gosling and yes, even Justin Timberlake.

26. When she proved you don't even need to be in your own music video to make it a hit.

27. When she summed up her relationship with the paparazzi up in one song.

28. We can't forget this hit.

29. When she became the "Queen of Vegas" in 2013.

30. But that wasn't the first time she was the "Queen of Vegas." Take a look back at 2001.

31. Even the Smurfs love the queen of pop.

32. When she made her jump to the big screen.

33. When she collaborated with Will.I.am.

34. When she pranked Jimmy Kimmel in the middle of the night.

35. What would a Britney tribute be without the song that put her on our "radar."

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