I consider your music a big piece of both my rough teen years and young adulthood. Your music has picked me up through the most difficult times and kept me pushing during my highest. No matter the occasion, no matter the situation, your albums would be inspiring, yet relate-able every time.
So, band members of Blink-182, thank you.
Thank you for leaving your listeners messages in your music. You have reminded me it's OK to make mistakes and I will face challenges that will take big risks to overcome. You have taught me that I'm able to conquer anything I put my mind to and that I'll be as successful as I allow myself to be. Thank you for reminding me I am human and it's OK to think, feel and act the way I do.
During my freshman/sophomore years of high school, I had hit rock bottom to one of the lowest points of my life. I had broken relationships with friends, family and exes. I surrounded myself with people who didn't care about me or my safety. Rebelled against authority. I was hurt all the time, broken over things that I could have controlled. I didn't respect anyone, not even myself.
Thank you for pushing me to better myself for, me and the people I love.
"So give me one good reason,
why we need to be like them." (Give Me One Good Reason)
Thank you for showing me that it's okay to be me, and that there's no reason to impress anyone. You proved that "fitting in" isn't necessary, and that I'm fine how I am. You had showed me that all these other people who try to tell me how to live, don't have the authority to make changes to my life, and that although I am different, I'm not worthless.
"Can we learn to get by if we learn to have scars,
If we learn to forgive and accept who we are?" (Pretty Little Girl)
You partook in my transformation, helping me become who I am today. Thank you for reminding my that my mistakes are only lessons, and there is always a chance to grow. My "battle scars" have shaped and molded me into a person who has seen it, done it and won't look back. I've accepted that my mistakes will always be a part of my past, and that all I can do from here forward is look to the future. Your music reminded me that there's always hope.
"Life's too short to last long" (Bored to Death)
Lastly, thank you for reminding me that I'm capable of taking charge. If I'm "bored to death," or unhappy with whatever situation I'm currently facing, you have shown me to do something about it. I'm in charge of my life. I'm in charge of whatever direction I plan to follow, or whatever path I intend to take. Thank you for reminding me that it doesn't end here, to keep pushing forward.