It's Easy to Feel On Top Of The World At 18, But Remember Your Life Lessons And Where You Came From
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It's Easy to Feel On Top Of The World At 18, But Remember Your Life Lessons And Where You Came From

On Top of the World: Becoming 18

It's Easy to Feel On Top Of The World At 18, But Remember Your Life Lessons And Where You Came From

Turning 18 brings about many mixed emotions. It's easy to feel on top of the world and at the top of the social food chain for a short time. College is beginning, you're excited to finally be an adult and move on to a new chapter in your life, but the actual idea of growing up is heartbreaking. The days of leaning onto others to take care of responsibilities are winding down, and you must become accustomed to "Adulting". As I go through the transition of turning 18, I've been reflecting on the life lessons I've learned and will keep with me for the rest of my life.

1. The Golden Trio

My dad has preached a life lesson to my brother and me over the years that will stick with me for the rest of my life. The Golden Trio, which means God first, family second, and self last. While it seems a little vague, I've been ultimately happier since I prioritized these three things over the little stressors that can make me unhappy.

2. Pretty is as pretty does.

Many people I know have a pretty face, but an ugly attitude. One thing my mom always told me growing up is that if I kept a positive attitude and was kind to others, it would complement my physical attributes. I still practice that to this day.

3. Perfect practice makes perfect.

When I was swimming competitively, I was always told that practice doesn't exactly make perfect, but perfect practice makes perfect. Swimming is a sport of repetition and technique, so if you do something wrong over and over, it will become habit. I always try to do things with 100% effort, so I can build up good habits and virtues.

4. Always stay humble and kind.

As the Tim McGraw song says, "Let yourself feel the pride, but always stay humble and kind." This lesson stays with me cause even in times of success, I have to remember that I must remain grounded and humble. I only succeed because I have worked hard towards my goals and had a wonderful support system behind me.

5. Five for Five Rule

Many people use this rule, but it definitely one I apply to my daily life. The Five for Five Rule means that if it won't matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes worrying over it. This saves so much emotions and energy from avoiding negative situations and feelings.

6. Healing is not linear.

Over the past year, this lesson has become one of the most important. I've dealt with a large amount of grief, stress, and transitions in my life. Remembering that healing includes many ups and downs helps me stay hopefully as I go forward in life.

7. Self care is always important!

I've gotten really into self care over the past few months, and never truly realized how important it is! It's crucial to take some time to relax and benefit yourself. Do a face mask, watch a good movie, or just spend some time writing or listening to music. It'll reset your brain to take on more responsibilities with less stress.

8. Real friends will always be there for you.

Friends come and go, that's just a given in life. It was difficult for me to learn this lesson, ultimately because I grew apart from some friends I thought would always be in my life. However, the people that God plans to be in my life have stayed over the years and been by my side no matter what. It's important to recognize who those people are in your life.

9. Don't be scared to express your opinion.

For so long, I was always scared to voice my personal opinion due to the fear of being wrong. I soon learned that the purpose of having an opinion is that it's sometimes wrong. I've also learned that every opinion matters, no matter right or wrong. I've become an ultimately better person since learning to voice my own opinion, while learning to respect others'.

10. Boys are not worth the time and energy.

Of course, there may be one guy who you believe is the one and your true soulmate. There's no way to tell if that's true or not, but it's important to recognize when it's time to let go. Dealing with a toxic guy is exhausting and makes you unhappy. I've had much better experiences with relationships overall since I began putting my own feelings before anyone else.

11. Surround yourself with positivity

Between sticky notes with positive quotes, to listening to upbeat songs when I'm feeling upset, surrounding myself with positivity has improved my day-to-day mood drastically. Having an overall positive mental attitude has an affect on myself, my productivity, and my family and friends. It's important to be able to allow positivity into your life, especially in negative times.

12. Do what makes you happy

Don't let other people judgement's refrain you from doing what makes you happy. Personally, I enjoy reading and writing the most. While others may make comments on how I'm odd for reading and writing for fun, it relieves my stress and makes me happy. Your happiness prioritizes many things, so it shouldn't be taken away from you!

13. Send the risky text message!

This life lesson seems odd, considering how stressful certain "risky text messages" can be. However, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. If you don't reach out to someone, tell them how you truly feel, or give up on other opportunities, you could come to regret it in the future. Even if the outcome isn't what you expected, take it with that positive attitude from lesson #11 and move on.

14. Spend extra time with your family

Your family is the foundation of who you are as a person. Don't push them aside for irrelevant things. Instead, make it a priority to spend time with the people who love and support you endlessly. Life is too short to not be with those people as much as possible.

15. Social media isn't the center of the universe.

While it's obvious that our generation is ruled by technology and social media, it's important to take time to remember that social media isn't the center of the universe. Take some time away from your phone or laptop to center yourself instead of being glued to a screen all day.

16. Some people will mature slower or faster than you, and that's okay.

There's scientific evidence to prove that between men and women, women mature faster than men do. However, each individual person may mature and grow up at a different pace. It all depends on their way of life, how they were raised, and how they've learned to handle situations. Be patient with others, for they have certain ways of living their life that don't match your own.

17. When in doubt, clean your room.

This definitely sounds very strange, but if you're a neat freak and insanely organized like me, you find joy in cleaning your room. On days I feel particularly unmotivated and keep procrastinating, I clean my room and tidy things up. The organization of my room and completing this bigger task helps me be more productive in other areas. It also helps declutter my brain when I don't have to worry about a mess. Plus, who doesn't love a freshly cleaned room?

18. Enjoy being young while you can.

This especially goes for those still under 18. Becoming an "adult" is intimidating, and a lot of things in life change. Enjoy being free with little responsibilities while you can. Becoming 18 is an exciting experience, and I'm excited to continue growing as a person, but I always make sure to remind myself of these important life lessons.

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