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15 Snacks That Make You Wish You Were A Kid Again

If you could just go back in time...

Isabelle Ross
Isabelle Ross

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There's nothing like reminiscing about the good old days, especially when it comes to food. Whether it be the treat you'd throw in your lunch box, the snack your mom would have waiting for you after school, or the dessert you'd munch on with friends at sleepovers, there were always good memories associated with certain indulgences. But as time passes, so do the novelties of delicious snacks. Before you know it, your favorite ice cream bar has been discontinued, or worse, replaced by a vegan/low-cal/soy milk/all-natural/tasteless adult alternative. Nothing will taste exactly the same as it did when you were a youngster, but for now, all we can do is remember the delectable treats we had and recall the memories we had with them.

1. Oreo O's

"But mom, they're not actually cookies. See, it says cereal! It's acceptable for breakfast!"

2. Jiffy Pop Popcorn

Don't lie, you felt like a professional chef when you cooked one of these babies up in front of you friends.

3. Cosmic Brownies

By far, the best thing that's ever come out of the Little Debbie snack industry. Next.

4. Minute Maid Juice Bars

When the lunch ladies whipped these out in the cafeteria YOU KNEW it was gonna be a good (but messy) day!

5. Dunkaroos

The best excuse to eat cookies and frosting and not get in trouble for ruining your dinner.

6. Yogo Bits

It's yogurt, yeah? So that means they're healthy?

7. Lunchables

For those mornings when it was much easier for your mom to throw a pre-made lunch in your book bag... but hey, you didn't complain!

8. Stringy Thing

Is it candy? Is it fruit? It it candle wax? Who knows.

9. Cheese Curls

Not to be confused with cheese balls, which are also a fan favorite.

10. Push Up

The closest thing your chubby, 10 year old self got to a push up.

11. Mister Salty

Because hard pretzels and liquid cheese are a thing apparently?

12. Scooby Snacks

*secretly feeling scared to try them because you think they'll taste like dog treats*

13. Squeeze-It Juice

Loving the sugary taste, but hating having to ask an adult to help you open the top on the bottles.

14. Bugles

For the first time, you finally experienced what it felt like to have long nails... oh, and they didn't taste too bad either!

15. Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape

Maybe it was the silly name. Maybe it was the funky packaging. Maybe it was the fact that you could literally HAVE SIX FEET OF GUM IN YOUR MOUTH AT ONCE.

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