11. Tell the people in your life that you love them. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

To My Baby Sister, Here Are 18 Nuggets Of Wisdom To Keep In Mind When You Turn 18

You're an "adult" - but you're not really an adult.

To My Baby Sister, Here Are 18 Nuggets Of Wisdom To Keep In Mind When You Turn 18
Eileen Stremming

Turning eighteen is a big deal but it doesn't have to be so scary when you keep a few things in mind. I gathered some advice from some friends and family to help you be less anxious about it all!

1. It's okay if you don't know what you want to do with your life yet - you've got time!


Wise words from your eldest sister.

A fellow creator, Lora, added, "It's okay to not have your whole life planned out at 18, even though society expects you to."

2. Love your Mama.


Advice from none other than your very own...mama.

3. Treat yo self!


Ate Lauren said, "Treat yo self whenever you can, by yourself! Take yourself out to eat, take yourself to the nail salon, and go by yourself! Enjoy time by yourself to relax and not have to worry about pleasing another person."

And while you should do this, my fellow creator Jillian warns "Also, don't spend all your money on Chick-fil-A and Chipotle."

4. Don't rush into a relationship for the sake of having one. 

We all deserve a love like the Obamas.


Another fellow creator Monica warns.

And Ate says, "The love of your life will come into your life when you least expect it." And I mean...can we blame her for this advice?

Keep working on you and loving yourself.

5. Be patient with yourself.

"With relationships, with school, with beauty, with growth. You have a world of life in front of yourself so there's no need to rush acceptance and achievement." Wise wise words from my editor, Larissa. You'd love her!!

6. Be gentle with yourself. 

Be Bob Ross...but like...to yourself too.


From your big me: Things can and will get stressful and the pressure to be someone/do something will always be there, so sometimes you just need to let things go, turn social media off and try to relax and take care of yourself. It's okay to say no if you're mentally and physically exhausted. Give yourself a break. Treat yourself. Read a book, bake, paint or whatever it is that puts your mind at ease. Do something you've always enjoyed doing. It's definitely something I wish I did more of as I stressed through high school and college and now a professional career. Be gentle with yourself, because you're doing the best you can.

7. Be careful with credit cards. 


Any debt is really not any fun. Use credit cards wisely and only if you have money to pay them back! I know shopping is fun especially but we gotta be careful!

This one and the next few nuggets are from your lovely eldest sister.

8. Travel as much as you can. 


If that is something you want and desire. It's important to see the world for different perspectives.

9. Listen to those older than you. 

They only nag because they know from experience what they're talking about!

I know we're annoying but honestly...it's because we don't want you to make the same mistakes as us.

10. Start exercising now and learning how to take care of yourself!

This is you, probably.


Ate says our metabolisms start to slow down at your age, so enjoy it while it lasts, but don't lounge around lazily. You've been warned.

11. Tell the people in your life that you love them.


Do it often and never feel like you're overusing "I love you" or "I appreciate you."

12. Don't compare yourself to others.


Erin says this: "I know it's hard, but don't compare yourself to others. You are your only competition and it's okay if you aren't exactly on the track you want to be on. That's life. Take detours and have fun doing it. Don't take life too seriously we are all working at our own pace and that's okay."

13. The world is not against you!

Jady says it's important to remember that. And know always who is going to be there for you and treat them accordingly.

We're all living our own lives and it's hard to remember sometimes when things can get hard but you've got this.

14. Be happy. 


Create your own happiness. The world is tough so sometimes you are the only thing you can depend on for happiness.

15. Turning 18 does not mean you're ~really~ an adult. 

Ena says, "You're nowhere near an adult yet at all, it's okay to not know what you're doing or what you wanna do and it's not a shameful thing. Also, it's not shameful to ask for help!" (She also said you won't be for decades, but you know, this is her advice, not mine to you).

16. When it comes to life after high school, don't fret.

I know right around my 18th birthday I was plagued with the idea of what the heck do I want to do with my life? I wanted to do something that helped people was all that I knew. And it's confusing and scary, I know. I had no idea where I wanted to go or school or what I wanted to go to school. And it's okay to not know what comes next. And I know this seems like a reiteration of things that have been said previously, but if you don't want to go to school immediately-- that's alright too. As long as you're doing what you're passionate about I think that everyone will support you.

17. Reach out if you ever feel alone.


I know it's hard to sometimes, but it can really help you so you don't spiral.

18. Ask questions!

Ate Caroline says, "Throughout school, you're so many things, but they never teach you adult things: like taxes, managing bills, and balancing relationships. So, ask questions! Be patient with yourself and remember your self-worth."

You're incredibly cared for. So know that you can lean on anyone for help and guidance.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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