14 reasons why college kids are not searching for love
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14 College Kids Explain Why They'd Rather Take 8 AMs Every Day Of The Week Than Fall In Love

A four letter word, so easy to spell out but difficult to say and even harder to find.

14 College Kids Explain Why They'd Rather Take 8 AMs Every Day Of The Week Than Fall In Love

From looking back at high school sweethearts to scrolling on your Twitter feed seeing #RelationshipGoals, it seems like everyone around is in a relationship or at least searching for love.

While these fantasies are apparent, there is a wide variety of people on college campuses that are not looking up to these relationship goals. In fact, they are avoiding catching feelings at all costs.

I went on East Carolina University's campus to find out why students are not looking for love.

Here are 14 of the most common responses:

It's a distraction

"When you are in a relationship, you are keeping up with someone instead of your goals." - age 20, single male

Putting your time and effort into a person has the potential to hurt you in the long run, whether that be academics or small goals you have set for yourself. It is easy to get involved with someone and all of your time goes towards them.

College has a sea of options

"I'd like to have sex with beautiful college girls while I can." - age 22, single male

College is where many of us are reaching our peaks in beauty, and it seems like a good idea to take advantage of that while we all look and feel good.

"There are so many options in college, it seems like there's never anyone truly interested in just one person." - age 19, single female

College students are "unloveable"

"You can't make anyone act right. If they are not ready for the type of love you have to give, why waste your time?" - age 21, single female

Students are easily considered emotionally unavailable and tend put relationships on the back burner. There is no use in building a relationship with someone who is not willing to be vulnerable and grow with you.

"Focusing on myself saves a lot of tears, effort and time." - age 21, single female

People are immature

"Guys do shit we don't expect and then we're shook." - age 19, single female

Immaturity is a common theme found on college campuses. Immaturity can be shown through a lack of communication, the foundation of the relationship and how the partners interact. It's best to avoid any immaturity in relationships.

Sex is free

"Guys like to f*ck everybody and have unprotected sex" - age 20, single female

On a college campus just about everyone is down for the cause. From football fan girls to fraternity jerks, it seems like everybody just wants to have sex and move on to the next.

"You have to test drive as many cars as you can before you find the right one." - age 19, single male

They're still finding themselves

"College has only shaped me as a person, and taught me how to love myself before I give love to others." - age 20, single female

College is a place where students are learning about themselves and what they do or do not want in a partner. Before they can find someone who compliments who they are, they have to figure out what they want in a partner and what they can provide.

"I'm focusing on who I am as an individual rather than trying to find someone to love." - age 18, single female

Not ready for compromise

"It alters everything in your life from decision making to giving your time. It's not the time to add that element into my life." - age 20, single female

When you are single you only have to worry about yourself, but once you get a partner, those decisions impact an additional person. This is not acceptable in the loveless college culture.

Dealing with baggage

"Guys have crazy exes and I don't want to fight. They have sex with so many people and I don't want an STD." - age 20, single female

Adding someone else's problems to their life is a burden, and if they have the option not to deal with it, then that is route they choose to take.

"Like Madea said, 'I can do bad all by myself.'" - age 20, single female


"I'm afraid of the long term in love, graduating and getting jobs far from each other." - age 19, single female

The future can be scary, and some past relationships may have sparked a fear in the idea of a new one. They are not ready until they have dealt with what is making them feel this way.

"After being in a toxic relationship for three years, I've decided to focus on myself." - age 22, single female

Education comes first

"I'm here for a degree, not dick." - age 20, single female

Relationships can take time out of your day, which in turn take away from your studies.For these people, school comes before relationships.

True love does not exist

"I guess you can call me a cynical nihilist, but true love does not exist." - age 21, single male

These individuals are not trustworthy of human behavior ad see love as binding arrangement. They would rather explore all the options they have, than settle down with anyone.

Love isn't mean to be "found"

"If it happens, it happens, I'm not too pressed." - age 22, single female

Not everyone goes searching for love, some want to live in the moment with no regrets. Their decisions are not made to try and win someone's heart, but if the right person so happens to fall into their lap, they are willing to make the move towards building with them.

I've given up

"I'm tired of playing games and dealing with all these fuck boys." - age 19, single female

After going through ups and downs, these people are ready to get off the roller coaster of love. It is no fun having your emotions played, so they have given up all together.

Girls (and guys) just wanna have fun

"You have all your life to be tied down." - age 21, single male

Simply put, let's have fun now and have a relationship later, when we are done having fun.

If you have not found the love of your life in college, have no worries, there is a full life ahead of you with mature people that are ready to fully commit.

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