20. Dinosaur oatmeal. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

21 Foods From Our Childhood That College Students Still Love Today

Because food never switches it up on you.


There are so many things from not only mine, but every college student's childhood that we miss, and that we can never get back. Like the feeling of walking into a Blockbuster and picking out a movie on a Friday night.

Or riding our bikes around the neighborhood with our elementary school friends. But lucky for myself and for every other college student there are a few things that we still have, like food. Here's 21 food we loved as children that we still love today.

1. PB & J sandwich .


When you're in a rush there's Uncrustables. Or when you need a midnight snack, a PB&J smacks.

2. A bowl of our favorite cereals.


Cereal at 2 a.m. is definitely a college students go to.

3. Pop tarts.


My dorm ALWAYS had either cinnamon or chocolate chip pop tarts.

4. Lunchables.


Okay so the "cheese" makes your mouth super dry but like you get a candy, and juice box so I guess it's worth it.

5. String cheese.


Literally rotate between, Spiderman, Disney's Frozen and Paw Patrol...

6. Spaghetti O's and meatballs.


I have Mario Cart spaghetti o's and meatballs in my pantry right now. Sorry not sorry.

7. Fruit snacks.


Fun Fact: I used to buy Pokemon fruit snacks just to get the Pokemon cards that came with them....and this was as an adult.

8. Gushers, Fruit by the Foot and Fruit Roll Up's.


So these might not have gotten along with our braces in the past but did that stop us from eating them? No lol.

9. Flavored milk.


A Rhode Island favorite is coffee milk. Yes, you heard that correctly, COFFEE MILK!!

10. Bagel bites and pizza bites.


If you out these in the microwave instead of the oven please see a doctor immediately.

11. Hot pockets.


So we burned our mouths enough when we were kids to be able to eat these without injury now.

12. Kid Cuisine's. 


Is it just me or can anyone else smell this gif?

13. Dunk-a-roo's.


Enough, stop.

14. Go-gurt.


This and Trix Yogurt!!

15. Kool Aid bursts.


*adds alcohol*

16. Hug fruit barrels.

*adds more alcohol*

17. Sunny D.


Because who wants adult orange juice?

18. Fun dip.


One of my favorite candies to get.

19. Baby bottle pops.

*sings* "Baby bottle pop"

20. Dinosaur oatmeal.

I guess if a college student is eating oatmeal it has to be Dinosaur!!

21. Freeze pops.


Either you eat the right way, or you add pieces of them to you adult beverage.

Honorable Mentions: Pop Rocks, any Wonka candy, cookies (Oreos, Chips Ahoy), ice cream sandwiches and anything from the ice cream truck,  Ring Pops, Teddy Grams, Cosmic Brownies, Ritz Handi snacks, spray cheese and anything that came out of the Easy Bake Oven!!!

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