Growing up in a big city, there are many different sections. With these sections comes things that you can only relate to if you live there. Here are things you know to be true if you grew up in Northeast Philly.
1. Basically every part of the woods or any field that you can have a keg in has a name.
Snake, backfields, bluewater, rope swing, bowl, crater. The list goes on.
2. The music video we all got in trouble for:
3. Ryan vs. Judge - best games to go to if you're still in high school.
4. Every neighborhood fights, hates on and talks about each other and has "beef"...
...But if someone outside of NE Philly talks bad about NE Philly, we ALL come together to kick some suburban butt.
5. Weekend apparel for girls
Judge hoodie, black leggings, Uggs.
6. Every boy in Northeast Philly throws up that weird “neighborhood hand symbol” in pictures like this:
7. “Jawn,” “drawlin,” “schemin,” ”mix me,” “rumble me”
I could literally make a dictionary of things only said here.
8. Summer time? No worries. All of Northeast Philly is probably already in Wildwood drunk or arrested.
9. Thanksgiving is a family holiday?
Nope. Northeast Philly kids wake up at 5 a.m. to go to kegs and get drunk at Turkey Bowl.
10. Saint Potter's day is Saturday and Saint Patrick's day is Sunday
Here, we're all Irish, we're all in green, and we're all up at 6 a.m. drunk again.