9. Or in my case, die from allergies. | The Odyssey Online
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40 Things I’d Rather Do Than Own A Chihuahua

Dogs or devils?

40 Things I’d Rather Do Than Own A Chihuahua
The debate has been ongoing since domestic dogs came about.
What are chihuahuas and are they worth having? More recently I have seen videos coming about where people are questioning why certain things are considered worse than owning the terror of one of these tiny dogs. So without further ado, here are 40 things I'd rather do than own a "rat dog."

Please note that although some comments are demeaning towards chihuahuas I have had pleasant experiences and no dogs are unworthy in my eyes. No opinions about chihuahuas were damaged during the making of this article.

1. Spend every ounce of my free time studying.

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At least my grades would go up.

2. Workout for six hours nonstop.

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I would be completely dead afterwards but the gains would be worth it.

3. Stub my pinkie toe. 

I'm actually not sure if this or stepping on a Lego is worse.

4. Work at McDonald's.

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Does anyone actually enjoy working at McDonald's?

5. Fall down stairs in front of my siblings who already think they're superior to me.

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"What was that thud?"

"Oh, uh... I dropped my phone, yeah."

6. Throw up on my date on a first date.

Screaming Internally First Date GIF by Originals - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

Even though it definitely would have made an impression, no one can promise a second date. Still better than owning a yappy dog.

7. Own a Great Dane.

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Danes are just giant lapdogs. Chihuahuas are tiny leash dogs.

8. Own literally any other animal. 

Snakes make great companions. Some even love their tarantulas.

9. Or in my case, die from allergies.

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It might be considered a better way to go.

10. Give up eating meat.

I already don't eat much of a carnivore's diet, so for me this is doable. I however, know some people who could never do this.

11. Become a vegan.

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Although hard because I love my ice cream and cheese, I would do it if I needed to.

12. Get denied from the job I've had for the last three years. 

13. Fail an exam that I studied for a week for.

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Considering I already feel like I study for weeks only to do sub-par on my exams, not much will have changed.

14. Fail out of my major. 

If you flunk out, it just means you weren't meant to be in that field. If you buy a chihuahua willingly however, then it means that you weren't meant to enjoy your life.

15. Disappoint my favorite person.

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I would be doing this even if I got myself a tiny barking doorbell.

16. Lose a high score that took me a year to make. 

Does anyone still play the game Ballz? Right now I've been working on my high score of 1200 for a week. Wouldn't it be a shame if I had to choose.

17. Be the person who continues to sit on the equipment at the gym after I'm done using it.

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All my fellow gym-goers understand the struggle of having someone doing absolutely nothing on the equipment you need.

18. Take 20 credit hours. 

For those who may not be in college or familiar with this system, twenty credit hours is the most a student can take any given semester. Most students are advised to take sixteen credits.

19. Work in customer service during a Black Friday rush.

Black Friday Shopping GIF by South Park - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

I've only heard about the horror stories that working a Black Friday rush can be. Still better than a tiny demon sleeping in my bed.

20. Become a viral meme.

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Did "Back Luck Brian" try to become a meme, I don't think so but he was a hit for a hot minute.

21. Live through one of the actual "princess stories" written by the Brothers Grim.

In the real version of "The Little Mermaid," Ariel gained legs for the price that in using them she felt as if she was constantly walking on knives. I'm also pretty sure the prince actually chose someone else in the end. Not the ideal Disney happy ending.

22. Write two full lab reports in one week.

Oh wait I'm in college and I'm already doing this. Gotta love being a STEM major.

23. Hit myself in the ankle with a razor scooter.

Fall Fail GIF by Cheezburger - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

Razor scooters are no joke, when angered they will mess you up. Chihuahuas will mess you up more for no apparent reason though.

24. Peel a hangnail to my knuckle.

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Honestly all I can even think to say is ouch.

25. Eat an entire onion like an apple.

Kids Onions GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

I like onions but I don't know about that much.

26. Go back in time and attempt the fire challenge.

Fire Let GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

This was by far one of the dumbest viral challenges to "catch fire," if you will.

27. Kill the planet with my plastic usage (oh wait).

Ocean plastic is actually a major problem in our world today. If nothing else do some research and please help do your part. Pretty soon the chihuahuas holding families hostage will no longer have an ocean to visit.

28. Be like Dr. Doofenshmirtz and not have my parents show up to my own birth.

Poor Doof.

29. Experience withdraw symptoms.

Caffeine withdraws give some nasty headaches. But at least it's from lack of coffee and not a high pitched whine.

30. Not eat for thirty days. 

I watched a video of someone who did this, you just drink a lot of water and fluids. What an intense way to slim down for the summer.

31. Get into a minor car accident. 

Fender benders are all too common now with the amount of people attempting to text and drive. Don't do that, but also don't buy tiny dogs. Some people choose not to listen to advice.

32. Give myself a bad tattoo.

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"No Ragrets" am I right? It's a shame when the mistakes are permanent..

33. Fall out of my raft while white water rafting in 40-degree weather. 

This could quite possibly lead to hypothermia, but it's not like that's much colder than a Chihuahua's heart.

34. Go to a frat party alone. 

This, in most cases, is not a good idea. But the chance could be taken.

35. Have absolutely zero fashion sense.

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Sorry Gaga but what are some of these outfits?

36. Skydive. 

I've heard great stories about adrenaline rushes from skydiving. However, I guess you could get one for free when you own a devil-dog considering it could attack at any point .

37. Fight a bear.

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Be careful though, bears are known to fight dirty.

38. Not shower for two weeks.

Silent But Deadly Fart GIF by Martin Mandela Morrow - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

Some people choose to do this without even having a pet, I wonder why.

39. Eat insects. 

They're great sources of protein!

40. Live my current life without a Chihuahua and keep it that way.

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In my opinion, my life is already pretty good so I definitely don't need any new grumpy fur babies added to it.

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