Nostalgia time! Remember when you would spend hours playing Mario Kart? How you would sit in front of your TV, concentrating on not falling off of Rainbow Road? That might have been you as a kid, or when you were a teenager, or even just yesterday. Mario Kart is insanely addicting, and who doesn’t love a couple rounds of it? Beating your best friend in Mario Kart and having bragging rights against them is one of the best feelings in the world. Now, after reading all of that, you probably have the urge to go play Mario Kart, right? Well, what if I told you that you could take Mario Kart with you and play it wherever you went? Awesome, right? Well, in March 2017, that possibility will become a reality.
Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch, a new gaming console that is a hybrid between a home console and a handheld console. So, what exactly does that mean? Although Nintendo just announced this new gaming console, the idea of it is clear: this is a gaming console you can take and play everywhere. If you’re at home, you can play the Switch in a dock and it will display the game on your TV. Once you need to leave, you can simply pick it up and play it on the go. The fact that this system and all of its game can go with you is insane, because it's something that hasn’t ever been done on the same system in the video game industry before. The trailer for the Nintendo Switch helps provide a better understanding of what exactly it is.
Specific details are vague about the Nintendo Switch since it was just announced, but it is something that definitely looks promising. With a new Mario game, an updated Mario Kart 8, a revamped Splatoon, Skyrim, and the promise of several third party games running on the Nintendo Switch in the trailer, this is a revolutionary gaming system that everyone can buy in to. Nintendo games remind a lot of people of their childhood, and several people adore Nintendo because of that exact reason. So experienced gamers and casual gamers can all get behind what Nintendo is trying to sell with the Nintendo Switch.
With its planned released being in March 2017, more details of the Nintendo Switch are expected to come soon. So, if this interests you, keep an eye out for more news about the Nintendo Switch, or keep checking back here for new articles from me about this revolutionary technology.