A New Semester As Told By "Modern Family"
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Student Life

A New Semester As Told By "Modern Family"

There is a lot to prepare for...

A New Semester As Told By "Modern Family"

Starting a new semester can be both exciting and daunting. Whether it’s a brand new year beginning with fall semester or giving yourself a second chance at a higher GPA during the spring semester, there is a lot to prepare for.

As we all begin to panic at the thought of new professors and agendas, let us remember we are not alone. Here are the eight things we all think during the start of a new semester and who better to relay the message than the cast of Modern Family?

1. "I'm going to nap for 30 minutes here and here."

You're all guilty of doing this. You schedule classes based off of other activities that also call to your attention. Those activities may include work, student organizations and they definitely include naps. Planning out a nap schedule is one of the first things you do and it's one of the best. By precisely measuring how long it'll take to get home, into bed and asleep before the next class you're being organized so, go you! While 30 minutes is a qualifying cat nap, I'm more into those hour long snoozes to dream a little dream.

2. “I’m going to keep my class materials color coded and organized.”

Green is for science class because grass is green, red is for Spanish because it makes bulls angry in Spain and yellow is for your favorite elective because of happiness. You buy packs of matching pens and sticky notes for no reason. Then, everything becomes complicated when you have to give your favorite elective a black pen because you can’t read yellow writing and all materials become jumbled up and the first Friday of classes you’re carrying everything you own around and you’re making up what month it is. Don’t color code.

3. “I’m going to clean my place on Sunday every week.”


Life feels so much better when our residence is clean and smells like Febreeze but let’s face it, come Sunday you’ll be too tired from the long weekend. Not only will the entire place look like a bomb went off from the Friday and Saturday night before but it’ll smell like death everywhere and really, you just don’t care. You’d much rather hop onto the couch, Goldfish box in hand and binge watch old Friends episodes.

4. “I’m going to meal prep.”

You plan to eat a nice breakfast, lunch and dinner. You even plan to wake up early enough for eggs and toast. It’s a really wonderful thought but don’t feel bad that you never do it. We all end up grabbing that Gatorade and fiber bar on the way out. I promise you’re not alone

5. “This semester is a 4.0 semester, I can feel it.”

You plan to attend and be on time for every class, very perceptive of your professors, never turn in an assignment late and definitely go in for extra help when it's necessary. Well, that's what you plan to do. But then comes the snow or the late night study sessions and you start thinking more logically. You're allowed three missed classes without penalty and you're going to pass college with or without that A+. At the end of the semester at least you're proud you finished it.

6. "I'm going to make more time for my friends."

Over break, you're all group texting each other overly excited to get back into the same routine of wine nights and tuning into the new Bachelor together. You get an emoji, you get an emoji, everyone gets an emoji! But then classes and extracurricular activities begin and there is no time or energy for nights out. Then, you start hiding from them because you'd rather hang out with your dog anyway. That's okay because eventually you'll all find time and it'll be better than ever.

Or the total opposite...

7. "I swear I'm not going to go out a lot this semester."

Last semester was rough for you. It was party time, all the time and this semester neither your bank account or your liver can afford it. It's time to buckle down and reserve a maximum one night a week out. It's all going well until "tequila Tuesday" comes around again. Every flippin night of the week has a different drinking name and they never get old. Also, there is that random bar crawl here and there that you've never missed before and this year cannot be any different. You swore all you'd go out for was $1 tacos but here you are, the middle of the dance floor twerking to Beyonce. Maybe next week.

8. "I'm going to dress like a real person for class."

As you progress into your major classes you're becoming closer and closer to a real professional so you feel you should begin to dress like one too. Your professor may never want to connect with you on LinkedIn because of your personal hygiene or lack thereof. While you want to look presentable there is no need to be one of those overdressed students. There is always that one girl in a crop top and heels no matter what the weather may be. Wash up, throw on a little deodorant and actually make time to brush your teeth this morning. If that's all the effort you put in remember, at least you took a shower.

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