Never Underestimate Teachers
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Never Underestimate Teachers

They don't just give lesson plans, they built who I am today.

Never Underestimate Teachers

Teachers. Sometimes we love them and sometimes we don’t! Let's be honest here, I know everyone out there has a teacher in mind that isn’t necessarily their favorite, but let’s take a step back and realize what it takes to be a teacher.

Long hours, getting up at the crack of dawn, just to be up grading papers, projects, and tests until midnight. Plus their own families, bills, and overall well-being to worry about. Pacing the same classroom and sitting at their desk dealing with students who are either there to work hard, or are only there because their parents made them. Years of schooling to get the right credentials, degrees, and training. I’m sure there’s so much more to it all. It takes amazing patience, and I admire that the most.

But teachers and professors don’t just teach and give lesson plans believe it or not. This is why you should never underestimate them; they have helped build the person we are.

My junior year, a history teacher got stuck with me when I was slacking the most. He looked at me on day one and saw potential that I never knew I had. He raised his voice at me, called on me in class when I was least prepared and expected the very best. He made me more determined and was able to inspire me to see that I was smart. He had lead me to believe that I could go somewhere after high school and that I could handle any challenge as long as I had the right mindset and the right determination. You have to want it.

I never thought I would volunteer to be in a science teacher's class all four years of high school. Biology, conceptual physics, chemistry, and two years of being a teacher's assistant, this teacher not only taught me the Kreb cycle, but he taught me responsibility and leadership. Being a TA, you would think is the easy route and some days it really is. But when it comes to grading your friend's test, you are then put in the position of finding the line between friendship and your job. Running around campus, grading, making copies, and even helping a sub has given me the experience to take orders and execute a task at it’s very best. Traits you have to have for any job. Who would’ve thought you could actually take something you learned in high school and apply it to the real world?

My passion in life is to write. Going into to college I never realized this until I was writing a paper for my composition professor. I got so passionate and it hit me so hard I immediately emailed him telling him that I wanted to write and pursue journalism. From then on, this professor gave me amazing support and took the time to break down my papers and help me find my passion! Words can’t express how amazing it is to find what makes me happy so early in life.

Not only did my professor help me find my passion, but my communications professor saw a spark in me during my presentation on “How to Boogie Board.” Pulling me aside to talk about what I wanted to do and why I should consider communications, the thought of this professor, who has worked with national winning speakers, saw a spark in me is just amazing. He continued to help me and mentor me and I truly can’t wait to see this new talent that's in me grow publicly. These professors didn’t just teach me, they helped me find my passion and goals in life and they see something in me that I hardly see. You don’t get a credential for that.

Dance has always been a part of my life and when my dance instructor stepped into my life with her kindness, she taught me something more than just a pirouette. My dance instructor taught me that I will never get better unless I give each rehearsal and each combination 110 percent. She also taught me to always accept constructive criticism and apply it to my work immediately, rather than brushing off the comment. She helped me thrive and to be extremely dedicated, and most importantly, she taught me how to inspire others who were looking up to me. mom. A paraeducator in resource in helping elementary students to not let their disability or reading and writing level bring them down. That as long as they keep practicing and doing what it takes, they can write a two-page essay and they can solve that math problem without help. She helps them with the basic needs that will help them through school and life overall.

Teachers come home emotionally drained, tired, frustrated, and they still haven't eaten dinner. They teach for us, and we tend to take advantage of them. We think their job is easy or that what they do won’t influence us at all except for passing that test. But we are so wrong to think that.

These are just a few examples of how awesome and influencing teachers are. My teachers have inspired me, and created the person I am today: determined, hard working, and intelligent. I never would’ve thought finding my passion in life would be with the help of a professor. They have seen me at my worst and have helped me thrive until I was at my best. Thank you to every teacher and professor out there. You are truly amazing. So next time you walk into a classroom and look at your professor or teacher, give them a thank you, or even a smile because who knows, maybe that person who is lecturing you on chemistry, could one day inspire you and help you accomplish something big.

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