10 Netflix Shows That Will Have You Chained To Your TV For Days
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10 Netflix Shows That Will Have You Chained To Your TV For Days

Twists, turns, humor, and scandals; everything each show contains to get you hooked.

10 Netflix Shows That Will Have You Chained To Your TV For Days

With a lot of time on my hands this summer, I found myself watching way too much Netflix.

While I have always been a "shows over movies" type of girl, I decided to make a list of a few of my favorites. Agree to disagree, but these 10 are some of the best on Netflix.



In this remake of the original, you may recognize one of the main characters from the Nickelodeon hit TV series, "Victorious."

Elizabeth Gillies (also known as Jade in "Victorious") goes above and beyond in her role of a spoiled, but very hardworking businesswoman and daughter to billionaire, Blake Carrington, the owner of Carrington Atlantics.

This family deals with betrayal, murder, and a new financial scandal every episode. This show inspires you to get your life together and create an entire empire, or a dynasty.

The Society


Despite popular opinion, this show had me hooked. When the high school seniors of West Ham leave for their annual senior trip, they come home to a shocking surprise of being the only people in town.

Throughout each episode, the main character, Allie, played by Kathryn Newton from "Big Little Lies," tries to discover how this happened and where everyone went while also trying to establish a stable society.

Being a 19-year-old teenager, I have crazy respect for Allie's ambition to create a safe community for her and her peers.

When They See Us


This heartbreaking show, based on the Central Park Five case, portrays incredible courtroom drama and police discrimination.

With each episode, you create an attachment to all five of the wrongfully convicted teens. This show has done an amazing job of bringing light to issues and cases most people, like myself, have never heard of.

I definitely think everyone show watch this series, no matter what their stance in politics is.

Black Mirror


With every odd twist and turn, I could not take my eyes off the screen. Each episode is set in futuristic times, where technology controls our society and sometimes even our minds.

If you need a good episode to start with, try the one with Miley Cyrus. She does a phenomenal job acting, singing, and truly putting her heart into the episode. 10/10, would recommend to anyone.

Dead To Me


Watching this show, I found myself obsessed with the female friendship created in this series. Judy and Jen are best friends who met in a grief-support group they attend for the loss of their husbands.

Throughout each episode, you uncover these perfectly polished women have a few of their own skeletons in the closet.

This show will leave you clicking onto the next episode with each dramatic cliffhanger, witty humor and the question, "Who killed him?"



If you're anything like me, you may recognize the main character as "Lonely Boy" from the show "Gossip Girl," but in this hit show, Penn Badgley takes his creepiness to another level.

This show is just like every other rom-com where the boy meets the girl and they start to like each other, except the boy is a tech-savvy, manic stalker.

Incredibly scary with how realistic it is, Joe becomes very interested in a girl named Beck and finds out almost everything about her through her social media and hacking into her life.

He will do anything to make sure he is with her, and I mean anything. "You" is a little slow to get into at first, but after the second episode, you won't be able to take your eyes away from the screen.

Schitt's Creek


Yep, the name is pronounced just as you would think.

When the very wealthy Rose family suddenly loses everything, they are forced to go to their only remaining asset ... a tiny, nowhere town called Schitt's Creek.

This show will make you laugh until your stomach hurts. You'll be obsessed with Alexis and David's clueless perception of the real world, Moira's boujee personality, and Johnny's clever sarcasm.

That 70's Show


This is the perfect late-night binge. I can always count on this show to make me laugh after a long day with snippy sarcasm and old school romance.

If you haven't ever heard of this show, you may live under a rock. Set in the 1970s, a group of six teens from Point Place, Wisconsin spend all their time in Eric Foreman's basement figuring out life, love, friendships, and weed.

Good Girls


This is an amazing show to binge ... especially with your mom.

Three women become fed up with the way they are being treated by their cheating husband, horrible boss, and very expensive medical bills. In desperate need of change, the women come together and rob a local grocery store ... or so they thought.

This show will not only keep you on your toes but draw you in with the realistic drama. This one is approved by me and my mom.



This show will have you hooked from the very first episode. When the fallen angel, Lucifer, gets bored in Hell, he returns to Los Angeles where he participates in many parties, casual sex, and a lavish lifestyle.

When a murder happens outside of his nightclub, he is driven to solve the case with detective Chloe, and this leads to his hope to change. This show is the perfect mix of love, drama, suspense, and humor.

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