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Netflix Christmas Movie Showdown: 'The Christmas Prince' And 'The Princess Switch'

Netflix Christmas movies are becoming a binge-worthy thing with lots of new selections.

Netflix Christmas Movie Showdown: 'The Christmas Prince' And 'The Princess Switch'

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"The Princess Switch" is one of Netflix's newest Christmas movies and it is everything I have ever wanted Vanessa Hudgens to star in. This awkward combo of "The Parent Trap" meets "Princess Diaries" meets "Princess and the Pauper" is sappy, sweet, predictable, and altogether a great story about love and Christmas. It is adorable and I adore it.

Netflix released "A Christmas Prince" in 2017 with a sequel premiering this year. "A Christmas Prince" is VERY similar to the first "Princess Diaries" movie, so much so the location is in Aldovia, a little too similar to Genovia I think. It is an obnoxious movie about a journalist falling in love with a king and learning what it is like to be royalty. It is every Hallmark, sappy fairytale you could want to be put together... and I love it!

Now that you have a brief summary, let's get to the showdown and see which movie comes out on top!

Lead actresses 

Vanessa Hudgens definitely wins with "The Princess Switch" for leads. She may have had a sub-par British accent, but she made Lindsay Lohan proud by acting as two characters in the same movie and falling in love with two handsome men at the same time!

Rose McIver, you were fine as Amber, but you just didn't quite match up to the more experienced Vanessa Hudgens. The

"The Princess Switch": 1

"A Christmas Prince": 0

The Prince

This is a tough one because neither Prince was super handsome, super good at acting, or anything other than the stereotypical royal. However, Kevin in "The Princess Switch" was everything you could want in a baking champion. Dreamy, a baker, an adorable daughter, and sweeter than a cupcake. He is definitely my winner for this standoff.

"The Princess Switch": 2

"A Christmas Prince": 0

The Royal Parents 

This one goes to Prince Richard's parents for sure. While Prince Edward's parents were fine and supportive, Richard's parents fell in love with Amber and were so ready to welcome her into the family. They represented everything I would want in a King and Queen as my parent!

"The Princess Switch": 2

"A Christmas Prince": 1


I would rather have no villain than a bad one and "The Princess Switch's" villain was just tragically predictable so for that I have to let "A Christmas Prince" tie us up going into the final round.

"The Princess Switch": 2

"A Christmas Prince": 2

The Final Round - Level of Sappiness 

When I think Christmas rom-com, I think laughter, tears, joy, and a happy ending. Both of these movies were sappy and a happy tear-jerker, but The Princess Switch raised sappy levels through the roof compared to "A Christmas Prince." I don't know if it was the double love interest or the orphanage kids, but in my opinion, "The Princess Switch" was an overall sappier movie so it takes the cake from me.

"The Princess Switch": 3

"A Christmas Prince": 2

The showdown is complete and "The Princess Switch" is the winner! If you haven't watched these movies yet, I highly recommend them both while you're cuddling up with your Santa cookies and enjoying the holidays!

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