One person dies of melanoma skin cancer every hour | The Odyssey Online
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1 Juul Pod Has The Same Amount Of Nicotine As A Pack of Cigarettes, And 21 Other Facts You Should Know

Yet another reason therapists are essential to our lives.


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Sometimes we do things because just because. Just because it's cool. Just because it's normal. Just because in some shape or form, it's "healthy." Or at least we think so. There comes a point when you have to realize that no matter what some of your friends have told you, what your grandma's magical hangover cure promises to do, and what you see on the Internet (yes, I know you're reading this on the Internet), it's not all automatically factual.

Google is right at your fingertips, do your own research, but for the sake of time, I did it for you.

Binge drinking is defined as ~4 drinks for women and ~5 drinks within a two-hour time period

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking does not have to end up with you blackout drunk on your bathroom floor.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 24/7

Free and confidential!

Plan B is not birth control

Plan B is for emergencies only! It's not an everyday kind of medication.

You should be drinking ~8 glasses of water a day

Stay hydrated, kids.

In the United States, there are approximately 30 million people who suffer from eating disorders 

Next time you start advertising Tummy Tea...stop.

Social media is correlated to increased statistics of depression

We could've guessed this.

Good Samaritan laws

If you live under a rock, the Good Samaritan law provides legal protection to those who call 911 (or another emergency number) to assist someone in need. No matter the circumstance, yes, this includes underage drinking. Save a life.

Alcohol can stay in your hair for up to 90 days

I had know idea that it even got to your hair. Bread does not soak up the alcohol.

Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas

And this is why bananas make us happy.

 The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn

I just wanted to share.

 Skipping meals slows down metabolism

Chances are, if I ask a random person in the library about skipping a meal to help one lose weight, they'll say, "Duh!" But, no, you need the nutrients to boost your metabolism! Even if you eat super clean foods, skipping meals is never the answer. As easy as it can be to keep yourself busy or "forget" to eat, don't let it happen.

 There is no scientific correlation between violent video games and violent people

I may not be a fan of war, violence, and such, but this should be kept in mind when judging someone for their violent video game.

 One Juul pod has the same amount of nicotine as one pack of cigarettes

That's 20 cigarettes and "about 200 puffs." Just like smoking doesn't make you cool, the toxic metal from Juuling doesn't either. Also, Juul pods are horrible for the environment, which is already dying. And don't forget better stamina in bed.

 A mattress doubles its weight in 10 years

But my bed is my safe place...

 There are more germs on your phone right now than a toilet

Got to go Clorox my phone right now.

 Alcohol is the number one date rape drug

Be cautious of roofies, but alcohol could be more dangerous.

 Caffeine withdrawal is a mental disorder

Yet another reason therapists are essential to our lives.

 One person dies of melanoma skin cancer every hour

Skin cancer is not something your mom made up, use SPF people.

 Every day, you lose approximately 100 to 125 hairs

This is a nod to the hair ball that accumulates every time a girl with long hair washes her locks.

 Legally preventing women from safe abortions will not stop abortions

Criminalizing abortions will never stop them, it will only make abortions unsafe...people will die.

We can prevent these deaths.

 Being awake for 18 hours makes you drive as if you have an alcohol level of .05

Even worse, if you have an all-nighter, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) increases to 0.1. Anything above 0.04 has influence over your body.

 Smiling makes you more attractive

The prettiest people smile.

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