My Opinions on "The Bachelor" | The Odyssey Online
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My Opinions on "The Bachelor"

Thoughts about Colton's decisions and the "fence drama"

My Opinions on "The Bachelor"

SPOILER ALERT: There are several spoilers in this article so if you haven't watched this season read with caution.

I am a sucker for reality TV because I love the drama and I know that sound terrible but it's true. Before this season I didn't watch "The Bachelor" because I just wasn't interested, but my friends wanted to watch it, so I decided to join. I was immediately hooked when I saw that Colton jumped a fence in the previews but little did I know how much I was going to enjoy the season.

After watching the last few episodes, my interest grew. I was rooting for Caelynn because I thought they were so natural together, but when he sent her home, I was as shocked as she as was. He never showed any indication that she wasn't the one but when she didn't get a rose, and they had their conversation she never got any closer leaving her and the audience confused. I thought for sure Taysha was going home because I don't see their bond, but sure enough, Caelynn left.

When it came time for fantasy sweets, my friends and I were so excited because we found out why he jumped the fence. His date with Taysha went well, and they spent the night together. The next morning, you could tell nothing happened between the two just by Tayshas facial expressions. Next, it was time for Cassie, and I feel like they have the strongest bond out of all three. Their date was going well until Colton told her that her father didn't give Colton his blessing to marry Cassie. She was thrown off by his statement, and that is when things started going downhill, and she was second-guessing her affection for Colton. Then CASSIE'S DAD SHOWS UP!!! He then talks with her and makes her question everything further which I am upset about this because I feel like her dad ruined it for her.

So when it was time for their night together, she told him that she needed to go home and he tried so hard to keep her there because he admitted that she was the one that he wanted at the end of this and she told him that he loves her. That is the first person that he has admitted his love for. He was all in and was willing to give her time to make her decision, but she kept saying that she was so confused and she didn't know about her decision. Ultimately at the end of the night, she left.

This is where the juicy things start happening. Colton got so upset because the girl he fell in love with left, so he JUMPED OVER A FENCE like it was NOTHING! The jump was everything that it was hyped up to be, so much drama.

In conclusion, I love "The Batchelor," and I can't wait to see the two-day live finally.

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