My Letter to the Late Carrie Fisher
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My Letter to the Late Carrie Fisher

Just some thoughts converted from the heart into text for the late legend of Hollywood.

My Letter to the Late Carrie Fisher

Dear Carrie Fisher,

I'm sure there's a million different ways I can go about this letter but to be perfectly honest, there's no other way I'd rather go about this except going by what my heart has to say. In my young days during childhood, I watched countless films, both on VHS and in theaters including various Disney animated movies. Reminiscing far back brings me visual memories for movies like Indiana Jones, The Terminator, The Matrix, The Land Before Time, Toy Story, and The Lion King amongst others. But Star Wars, like for countless others since the late 1970s, truly was the movie that changed how I perceived what could be done with the industry platform for me as a young lad. It was fun watching the action sequences and the colorful worlds that were explored but what I truly took away were the wonderful characters within that newly discovered galaxy.

Truthfully, the first time I was introduced to Princess Leia, I was mostly concerned with her eccentric royal sense of fashion. I couldn't get over how silly those hair buns were! But Princess Leia was a woman who fought alongside Luke, Han, and Chewbacca no matter what. Moving on to The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in concern to your character, my mind wandered most to seeing her stick to her convictions and fight courageously through thick and thin. I always thought it was awesome how Leia choked out Jabba the Hut with her slave chains. Ultimately at first, I didn't have the maturity levels to see anything beyond the fun visual actions Leia partook in.

But now let's fast forward through all the times I returned to the films as I grew older year after year. As I matured I began to slowly notice new things about Princess Leia each time I watched the original films. I began to notice the fierce tenacity she carried with her throughout her successes and failures. I began to notice her witty and strange sense of humor as expressed through her interactions with characters like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. I began to notice her genuine love for those she went on these dangerous adventures with. I began to notice her incredibly intelligent and admirable contributions to the Rebel Alliance. And I began to notice her ability to not take anything from anybody no matter how imposing or terrifying those opposing her may have been.

There is a tremendous amount of places within these films that generations upon generations have and will go to, in order to express their love for Star Wars. But without a doubt, one of the main reasons why people love these films as much as they do is because of the characters. Your portrayal as Princess Leia was and always will be a true one-of-a-kind. Your role has and will continue to play a pivotal part in the lives of young women across the globe because Leia is a true female heroine. The character transcends the silver screen and inspires people every single day to go out into the scary world and show no fear for what lies ahead.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting you in person but in a way, I've known you most of my life thanks to the movies I have fallen in love with since the earliest days that I can remember. And having said that, I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for your contributions to cinema. Thank you for helping bring this amazing world into my life and the lives of millions upon millions of others, both young and old. Thank you for showing me that a princess can stand toe-to-toe with the likes of dashing smugglers and Jedi against a vast army of imperials within the Galactic Empire. Thank you for helping bring some of the greatest joy into my life that I vow to pass on to anyone and everyone close to me until the day I die. There will never be another human being quite like you in this world ever again and your presence will be felt forever. If there's a ceremony going on in the heavens, you best be awarded with the highest medal. May your message of hope glimmer always through the thick shades of darkness that may shroud over this world within ourselves as individuals and ourselves as a whole.

And may the force be with you, always.

With sincere love,


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