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My Favorite Line On Every Song From Taylor Swift's "Red"

Can you tell I'm excited for November 12?

My Favorite Line On Every Song From Taylor Swift's "Red"
Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Now that "Red (Taylor's Version)" is coming out a week earlier than expected, there's even more reason to get in the spirit and remember why the album is so good in the first place. A perfect listen for fall - my November will undoubtedly be colored Red this year. In case you're unsure about listening, look no further - here is a list of the best lines from each incredible song.

1. State of Grace

"So you were never a saint / And I've loved in shades of wrong / We learn to live with the pain / Mosaic broken hearts"

2. Red

"Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song"

3. Treacherous

"And all we are is skin and bone / Trained to get along / Forever going with the flow / But you're friction"

4. I Knew You Were Trouble.

"And the saddest fear comes creeping in / That you never loved me or her, or anyone, or anything"

5. All Too Well

Okay this one could be the whole song so I've narrowed it to three:

"Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place"

"And maybe we got lost in translation / Maybe I asked for too much /But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up"

"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it / I'd like to be my old self again / But I'm still trying to find it"

6. 22

"We're happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way / It's miserable and magical, oh yeah"

7. I Almost Do

"I bet / It never ever occurred to you / That I can't say "Hello" to you / And risk another goodbye"

8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

"'m really gonna miss you picking fights / And me falling for it, screaming that I'm right"

9. Stay Stay Stay

"Before you, I'd only dated self indulgent takers / Who took all of their problem out on me /But you carry my groceries and now I'm always laughing"

10. The Last Time

"You wear your best apology / But I was there to watch you leave"

11. Holy Ground

"Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress / We had this big wide city all to ourselves / We blocked the noise with the sound of "I need you" / And for the first time I had something to lose"

12. Sad Beautiful Tragic

"And time / Is taking its sweet time erasing you / And you've got your demons / And darlin' they all look like me"

13. The Lucky One

"And they tell you that you're lucky / But you're so confused, / 'Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used."

14. Everything Has Changed

"And all I've seen / Since eighteen hours ago / Is green eyes and freckles and your smile / In the back of my mind making me feel like"

15. Starlight

"He was tryna to skip rocks on the ocean saying to me / "Don't you see the starlight,"

16. Begin Again

"But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid / I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did"

17. The Moment I Knew

"And it was like slow motion / Standing there in my party dress / In red lipstick / With no one to impress"

18. Come Back...Be Here

"I told myself don't get attached / But in my mind I play it back / Spinning faster than the plane that took you"

19. Girl At Home

"You understand perfectly / You're the kind of man who makes me sad"

Listen to "Red (Taylor's Version): out November 12!

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