Your MLM Isn't A Job, It's A Scam | The Odyssey Online
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Ladies, Multi-Level Marketing Isn't A Job, It's A Scam

Ever heard of a pyramid scheme?

Ladies, Multi-Level Marketing Isn't A Job, It's A Scam

Now that everyone from high school is growing up, we all are dreading messages from our once-classmates.

Not because we don't want to socialize, but because they're all trying to sell us something now.

People are trying to sell us candles, lipstick, weight loss supplements, mascaras, leggings, and caffeine patches. The list goes on and on, and each one is a total scam.

Everyone posts about how MLM (multi-level marketing) is the job you do on your own time, but here's a newsflash: It's not a job, it's a scam.

First of all, the products aren't special—they're overpriced if anything.

The products MLM brand sell are just the same—if not, worse—than the retail product. The mascara being pushed is no different than the $6 tube I get at Walgreens. The only difference is the price.

The reason MLM products are so highly priced is because it helps everyone at the top of the food chain profit.

The seller gets little to nothing from a sale, and everyone else above them gets a fraction as well, but at the end of it all, it's the company that's truly making money off their $60 wax melting sets.

So, why is your MLM product so good I should shell out a bunch of money for it?

Second, it's a waste of time and money.

Sure, the average starter kit can be affordable, but it's probably not going to include any products to sample or sell. You're just buying the 'introduction,' basically.

After you buy the intro kit of forms, powerpoints and pre-made Facebook statuses, you're going to throw away even more money for samples and sellable products.

Now that you've spent a good chunk of money on inventory—which some companies have a minimum on—you'll have the impossible task of selling it all.

Again, why should I overpay for your average products, and wait for it to come in or to finally set a meet-up time when I could pay a fraction of the price and get it from a mall or drug-store?

Why should I give in to your emoji-infested facebook posts?

Why should I let you pressure me into joining your cult-like brand?

These products are also being pushed on everybody. The more I see it, the less interested I am in ever giving your company—or any other for that matter—a chance.

Now you've put all this time and money into selling these products, and no one really wants to buy it.

You're not making money, now, you're losing it. The company you're working under, though, has already made their money and have no interest in helping you.

You bought their kits and inventory, and they expect you to sell it if you want your money back. You're working twice as hard to get everything back now.

Two studies were conducted and found that 99 percent of MLM distributors lose money in the long run. Just Google it; the stories are not uncommon.

It's not a job because you're not making money.

Yeah, I don't make money from writing, but that's a voluntary choice and I don't have to pay anyone above me to keep me in this position.

MLM-ing isn't a job, it's not a business, it's a scam.

It's a legal pyramid scheme more and more vulnerable women are falling for every single day.

Stop wasting your time and money on something that only benefits the big guy.

Stop MLM.

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