When I was younger, I would always tell my parents that I wanted to be a pop star when I grew up. This quickly changed when I discovered my passion for being in front of the camera and writing. I knew I was always good at writing but I later learned to find out that this was one of my highest skills. I chose to major in broadcast journalism because I love talking and advocating people on what is going on in the world. After college, I hope to get a job within the entertainment news business as an on-air reporter and potentially move to New York City or Los Angeles. I have high goals set and would love to work for E! News or Buzzfeed. I feel as if the industry is changing drastically these days and overall, I would love to be apart of the fast-paced end of the industry that will allow me to be successful and have fun doing what I love.
Student LifeFeb 29, 2020
Meet the Reporter: Pascale Bushaw
My dream career in the broadcast journalism industry.