Midterms may have finally ended but that doesn't mean stress has completely gone away. Most students are in serious need of time to relax and let go of the stress they've been carrying these last couple weeks. What better way to do so than with a marathon of sad movies & a pint of ice cream. Sometimes a good cry is just the thing to wipe out the worries of college life.
1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Yes, you should read the book first, but even if you haven't, it's worth a watch. It's a story anyone who has been through high school can relate to and will have you quoting it's most memorable lines while trying not to ugly cry.
2. Marley and Me
You knew this one would make the list. There's nothing like a puppy to get the waterworks going. By the time credits are rolling, you may already be out the door to adopt your very own Marley.
3. The Last Song
This one will have you on a roller coaster of emotions crying both sad and happy tears. From family illness to broken hearts, it's safe to say it's a tearjerker and knowing the real-life couple, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, play the leads only adds to the feels.
4. Still Alice
There's a reason Julianne Moore took home the Oscar for this role. The story of a woman dealing with her diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's makes you imagine how you would deal with the same plight. Watching her family and her adapt will bring on some serious emotions.
5. The Great Gatsby
If you haven't seen this one, or at least been assigned the book for some English class, now's the time to drop everything and get familiar with this classic. Whether you watch it with Leo DiCaprio or Robert Redford, the result is the same, endless tears for this tragic love story.
6. Lion
You know when you tear up at a film and remind yourself "it's just a movie"? That's not an option for this 2016 movie based on the real life story of Saroo Brierley. It will have eyes watering from start to finish as you watch him try to reunite with his family.
8. Moulin Rouge
It's definitely one for the hopeless romantics but the ending could make even your most cynical friends break down. The music alone will have you feeling serious melancholy and by the end, you'll be screaming at the unfairness of the world.
7. Atonement
You may be noticing a theme here, but there's really nothing like forbidden affairs and separating people in love.
9. Love Story
"Love mean never having to say you're sorry" might be one of the cheesiest lines ever written, but that doesn't stop the tears from flowing. This oldie but goodie is a must-see.