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10 Awesome BTS Songs That Will Pump You Up For The End Of The Semester

Make sure to add these to your study playlist for that later pick-me-up!

10 Awesome BTS Songs That Will Pump You Up For The End Of The Semester

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The semi-recently popular K-Pop group 'BTS' is coming back to tour in the US after the release of their latest album "Map of the Soul: Persona." In case you don't know who BTS is by now, and in that case I'm truly sorry for you, they won the Billboard's Top Social Artist in 2017 and 2018, nominated for a Grammy in 2018 for their Album Art and were the first Korean group to present an award, spoke at the United Nations encouraging those to "love themselves" as part of their Love Yourself campaign, have been selling out stadiums in the US faster than you can say "BTS," and recently became the first K-Pop group to perform on SNL.So, they're a pretty big deal and they're getting ready to hit the charts again and break records with their catchy and inspiring songs in 2019.

A major part of their popularity is obviously their music and while a lot of it is catchy, BTS's music strives on the inspirational lyrics and motivation that it gives its fans. So if you're in the need for some motivational music to survive the rest of this semester or any hard time in your life, check out some of these songs and more.

"Fake Love"

Off their "Love Yourself: Tear Album," this song is major bop with over 500,000,000 views on YouTube. Almost everyone can relate to these lyrics and you'll be singing that you're sick of this fake love in no time.

"Blood Sweat and Tears"

Off their album "Wing," this song's music video is as epic as the song itself. Your mind, body, and soul will belong to this song.


Off their "Love Yourself" album, this music video has over 700,000,000 views. Don't worry, it's not a coincidence that you'll love this song. In fact, it's your destiny.

"Spring Day"

Off their 2016 album "Wings," this song is as catchy as it is meaningful. About the hardship of missing loved ones, no darkness or season can last forever when you play this one.

"Mic Drop"

From their album "Love Yourself: Her," this song is about how much BTS has achieved and to point out to their haters that they're doing just fine and don't need to listen to them. This catchy song will have you feeling like you feel like you have too many trophies for your hands to carry.


Off their "Skool Luv Affair" album, this song can resonate with anyone who has some trouble following their dreams. You think anything is possible when you're a kid and this song will help you feel like that again.

"Just One Day"

Off their album "Skool Luv Affair," this song will immerse you in its sound and will make you feel the love they put into it. For just one day, one night, you'll be in love with this song... until you want to hear it the next day.

"Save Me"

This catchy tune comes from their album "The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: Young Forever" and will have you lost in the lyrics mixed with its music. You'll be feeling the lyrics to this one and may need someone to save you before you fall in love.


Off their album "Love Yourself: Answer," this song will make you feel super inspired and make you love yourself more than before. This song is all about being yourself, being proud and knowing who you are and what you want, no matter the criticism.

"Boy with Luv"

From their most recent album release, "Map of the Soul: Persona," this song features Halsey for a sweet bop that will get stuck in your head. You'll want something stronger than just a moment listening to this one.

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