Independence is one thing no one can take away from you. It is a tool you can use to live life as fully as you would like. You can do whatever you choose and you can choose how you do it. Independence is feeling free of all chains. It is a relief.
One day in life, you'll find yourself in a spot where you depend on someone. Whether you are ill and you need someone to take care of you, you broke a foot and you can't drive, you need to catch a bus or you are in a loving relationship. These situations all vary, but one thing stays the same; the fact that you can't live your life fully without someone's help. Being in a relationship, I quickly realized that I depend on my boyfriend to upkeep my happiness. It's not his job, it's mine! That's so silly to depend on someone to make you feel whole. You should be whole initially. This is why being independent is crucial.
1. No one can control your feelings.
I bet at some point in your life, someone influenced how you felt. Whether a teacher gave you a bad grade, a boyfriend forgot about your plans or a person disapproved of your outfit, you felt something from that. Now, when you depend on someone to do something for you and it falls through, you won't be happy. Who says they can have control over how you feel? It's your body, your soul, your mind. Control your feelings and spend your days optimistic. There's no use in being sad, although it's inescapable at times. Controlling your own feelings eliminates negativity quickly, I promise.
2. You always feel accomplished.
Since you complete everything on your own, you feel like you can do anything! Once you start to do things for yourself, you feel so accomplished and satisfied with yourself. It's a rocky start. But, once you start to be independent, you become invincible. You learn how to change your own tire. You have your own apartment. You can love yourself! It's a great feeling to know you got to where you are because of YOU, no one else.
3. Woman Power.
Nothing says independent like a woman who can do it all. This isn't meant to sound sexist, and/or demeaning, but I think we all know that in society, women are looked at as if we can't accomplish all things in life that men can. For example, we are told we aren't strong enough. We aren't tall or big enough to move something. We can't reach the light to change the light bulb. Maybe we can't, but we sure as hell will find a way.
4. You can do ANYTHING you want. On your own.
Do you want to buy a bottle of wine and watch "How To Be Single" on your couch with no pants on? Do it. You're independent. Be a big girl and make it happen. Okay, well something like that is pretty easy to do. But, the moral of the story is to indulge in the fact that you can do whatever you want, when you want, how you want with who you want. You're independent! Go ahead, girl.
5. No one can hold you accountable for anything.
If you do everything for yourself, no one can turn around and try to say you owe them. I always feel like I can't repay people for the things they do for me, so being able to do things on my own completely wipes out that possibility. No one can come back at you and say, "Hey you owe me." Unless, you owe them of course. Depend on yourself, darling.
6. You can look back and feel satisfied.
When you look back on all of your accomplishments, you can have a sigh of relief and feel like a queen. You did it all on your ow! Yes, you! That's incredible. No one got you to your place in life. You got yourself there by doing things for yourself, by yourself. Nothing is sweeter than proving that you can be just fine on your own.
7. Jam to Miss Independent.
Remember that Kelley Clarkson song from 2003? Okay, so this one isn't necessarily about being independent. But, it has a great message! Remain independent, but don't be afraid to let your walls down a bit if someone special comes your way. Make sure they're worth it, though, otherwise you'll have to go back to square one. But, even if you do fall in love, make sure you love yourself. Be one with yourself and be whole without another person. Then, you are strong enough to let someone in. Grind and shine together, but remind yourself that you can shine just as bright on your own.
Don't depend on this article now, or I'll have you hold you accountable.