10 Christmas Songs For Your Holiday Playlist | The Odyssey Online
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10 Songs To Make Your Christmas Playlist Merry And Bright

These songs are great for spreading Christmas cheer for everyone to hear.

10 Songs To Make Your Christmas Playlist Merry And Bright

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Like most, I love Christmas music. Whether I'm riding around in my car looking at festive lights or hosting a party for all of my friends, I have Christmas music playing. Even if I'm attempting to bake Christmas cookies, I'll have my festive playlist on. However, I don't recommend turning your music up too loud where you can't hear the oven going off. Just saying, it's not the best idea. Below I have made a list of my 10 favorite Christmas songs to listen to (special shoutout to my roommate for introducing these to me). These songs are guaranteed to make you cry, sing along, or break out into a dance party with your friends.

1. "Mary, Did You Know?" by Pentatonix.

A twist on the classic, this song is absolutely beautiful. The Pentatonix always do amazing on whatever song they do and this one is no exception.

2. "Believe" by Josh Groban.

I love The Polar Express. Growing up it was one of my all time favorite movies to watch around Christmas time. Am I the only one who wanted a cup of that hot chocolate the kids got? Anyways, this song is absolutely amazing and I get chills whenever I listen to it. One of the favorites that I highly, highly recommend.

3. "The Christmas Shoes" by NewSong.

I'm convinced that you're soulless if this song doesn't make you feel at least a little bit emotional. I myself am not an overly emotional person, but even I feel some type of way listening to this song.

4. "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" by *NSYNC.

Many may think I've been living under a rock but I absolutely love this song and just found it recently (shoutout to Lillie). Even if you aren't an *NSYNC fan, this is still a great song for your playlist.

5. "Noel" by Chris Tomlin ft. Lauren Daigle.

A girl at my church performed this song last Christmas and it is one of my absolute favorites. Everything by or with Lauren Daigle is absolutely beautiful, go check this one out.

6. "Leory the Redneck Reindeer" by Joe Diffie.

This song is hilarious and never fails to put me in a good mood. It would be a shame to not include this one in my top ten list.

7. "Mistletoe" by Justin Bieber.

I'm not a Justin Bieber fan in all truth, sorry not sorry. But I do enjoy this Christmas song by him, maybe you will too.

8. "Winter Wonderland/Here Comes Santa Clause" by Snoop Dogg and Anna Kendrick.

Again, shout out to my roommate for showing me this song. We love it, but her boyfriend always tries to change it when we play it. Will you end up loving this song or hitting skip as well?

9. "Holy Emmanuel" by Terry Scott Taylor.

This song has some serious indie vibes and I love it. If you've seen my underrated songs list you know that I pretty much love any song that gives off indie vibes. This one is no exception.

10. "When Christmas Comes to Town" by Matthew Hall and Meagan Moore.

As I've said, I love the Polar Express and would've put the entire album on this list if I could have. Besides the two songs listed, feel free to explore all that the album has to offer.

Hopefully, my list has helped you find a new favorite or favorites to add to your holiday playlist. You can also check out Spotify for other Christmas playlists to help you find your inspiration. Here is to hoping that both you and your families have a wonderful holiday and a Merry Christmas!

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