McDonald's Means WiFi
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McDonald's Means WiFi

In the wise words of a good friend of mine, Maddie, "Don't sweat the small stuff but do yourself a favor."

McDonald's Means WiFi
Nicole Seward

"McDonald’s means WiFi” was the leading motto of my trip. The first thing I did in any new city was scan the skyline for the Golden Arches. I’m so thankful for the status Mickey D’s has as such a staple establishment and their business decision to supply their customers (and loiterers) with free WiFi. If you dropped a euro on a sundae or snuck a receipt off of an abandoned tray you could use the code for clean bathrooms.

I’d rather not admit to the number of days I conducted my morning routine in a McDonald’s bathroom (more than half) but it’s the truth of my travels. The next best thing is heading to a coffee shop armed with customer WiFi. When could you not go for a cup of coffee anyways?

Due to the lack of WiFi reliability I have 2 nuggets of advice: 'write it down' and 'offline Google Maps'.

Write it down. You never know when your phone will die, you’ll forget the password to one of your emails, or you’ll lose your journal. Write down your spending, confirmations, brainstorms, experiences, and revelations. If you’re an extrovert like me, it’ll help you organize everything and even give you a running thought log to look back to when you’re reminiscing.

Now, offline Google Maps – this has literally saved my life. If you have Google Maps you already have the offline feature (check out the settings panel). The downloaded area will include major establishments and street names. That means you can search for and navigate to your accommodation when you inevitably get distracted and lose your way. Go one step further and have the address you’re staying at written on it in the native language for grabbing a taxi. Just don’t forget to hand it to the driver before getting in so they can’t run the clock.

Pretty much never ultimately rely on one thing ever, especially for money. Do some research before you go; the credit or debit card you have may not be accepted in the countries you’re going to. Certain companies like Bank of America also have partners in other countries allowing you to get free withdrawals.

Not having cash isn’t an option; America is much more a cashless society than anything I’ve seen since leaving. I would recommend having a couple hundred on you for just in case situations, taxis, and coffee shops.

No matter how much money you do take out, split it up. I’m speaking from the experience of a 300 euro theft on this one. Stick a couple 20s in your shoes, your bra, your book, your makeup bag, your wallet, wherever. Plan for the worst. If you lose something or get mugged you won't want to be in a helpless situation. How can you assure you’ll get where you need to if someone snags your wallet and phone off of you?

If worst comes to worst and you take out too much money, firstly, congratulations on having too much money. Secondly, you can use a reputable currency exchange service in your next destination so your spare cash doesn’t go to waste. The only form of currency you can’t transfer over is coins so use them or consider them souvenirs.

Understand you’re living abroad; you’re not in Kansas anymore. Without intention, we resort to default behaviors and expectations. Help yourself out and learn the language. I would suggest at least learning the numbers 1-10, the name of the month you’re in, and days of the week so you can navigate stores and signs. Any attempt to speak the local language almost acts as a peace offering, convincing them to help you. Why should they try to communicate with you in a foreign language if you’re unwilling to do the same for them? Plus, if that fails hand gestures and pointing transcend language difficulties.

Know that as a solo female you can do it, but know things are going to go wrong. In the wise words of a good friend of mine, Maddie, "Don't sweat the small stuff but do yourself a favor."

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