Times are changing, and so are ideas. Most would say toys have made a complete 360,with new entrepreneur advancements and so on. However one toy is catching my eye; Barbie. Growing up, Barbie was a blonde hair blue eyed character who every little girl wanted to grow up to be. Her costumes created the ultimate closet everyone dreamed of having, and her endless talents- desirable to achieve. Barbie stood for a dream life that growing up, I wanted to have so bad. I would one day cruise around in my convertible and have a closet with excessive amounts of clothes, and have flawless skin and be six foot tall. My gene pool, of course, said otherwise. It’s true, I do have the blonde hair and blue eyes features, but i am not anywhere close to six foot, and i do not have flawless skin.
I believe that originally. Mattel made Barbie to be an American Dream image doll, it made the toy sell! However, the company just lit a fire. Over the years, in order to keep the Barbie Doll alive, there have been advances in the industry. Ing with a male barbie to accompany Barbie, the ken doll was born.Then, Barbie and Ken needed a child, so Kelly was born. But it didn’t stop there. Barbie was then given different names and hair colors (as well as Ken and Kelly) and were sold so that children could have more than three dolls. As if this wasn’t already a total success; Barbie was given roles as a veterinarian, a Teacher, a professional athlete, etc. This alone gave children the vision of achievement, because if Barbie can, anyone can! Right? Expanding to dream homes, and accessories then leading up to movies and books. Mattel has sold children on Barbie.
But something new is on the horizon for Barbie. Mattel has now made Barbie Dolls advance with the time. Barbie Dolls are now not just cookie cutter machine factory toys. Now, they are US. The new Fashionistas Barbie line, are not only one of the cheapest Barbie dolls ever manufactured since their original debut but are physically provoking to their audience. With over 33 models to be announced, these Barbies bring something to the table. Instead of Barbie being the ratio size of 6-foot, now there are short Barbies! Not stopping there, her face shape is no longer narrow with high cheeks - instead, now Barbie has a selection of different face shapes. Barbie’s hair can now be orange, purple, or blue. Frizzy, straight, Curly. Short, long, medium length. On top of that, her skin color is not just white. Instead, she is broadcasted in a variety of skin colors. She isn't a size 000, but now she represents all different body types.
Looking at these Barbie Dolls in their packaging, and feeling like one actually looks like you, even a teenager can feel as though life just became a little more real. When I first hear of this revolution, I went to my nearest Walmart and walked down the Barbie Aisle. Amongst all the prim and proper 6-foot tall , blonde hair-blue eyed Barbies, was a row of unique Barbies. Every Barbie had unique characteristics, and although I fit the normal Barie description, this was not the Barbie I picked up the Barbie that was the short, blue eyed blonde haired, pale skinned, curvy doll with BANGS. This is the Barbie doll that i had waited for. Barbie is a symbol to me of hope. She is something that as a kid, i played my life out with. Sure i may never have a mansion or an endless closet- but I will always be me.
The new Barbie line is important to me, and I hope affects others in the same way.. Yes, she is just a toy- however, Barbie is so much more...she is a beacon for hope. That if a company can open their eyes to true beauty in individuality- that maybe we too , can see the beauty in our differences.