Major Lazer And Showtek Send A Message With "Believer" Music Video | The Odyssey Online
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Major Lazer And Showtek Send A Message With "Believer" Music Video

Music is the medium and the escape.

Major Lazer And Showtek Send A Message With "Believer" Music Video

Although the current state of affairs in Aleppo seem to be pointing towards a full regain of government control, that does not erase the past four years of turmoil and destruction. As the news has showcased as well as dozens of viral videos, civilians including children have found themselves in the crosshairs of the collapsing city. While it's been hard to watch, Major Lazer and Showtek have used their latest video for "Believer" to bring an escape to these troubling times. Throughout the song, the camera follows a young boy who imagines an alternate reality where buildings aren't being bombed, but families are happily eating at the table and children are playing soccer freely. "Believer" is more than a song and more than just music. It is both a medium and an escape. You can find the credits for the music video below as well as information on how you can contribute to helping save the children of Aleppo.

Boy: John Malak
Monster: Amr Patrick
Mother: Samah Abd El-Aal
Director: Christopher Louie
Producer: Daniel Pleacoff
Director of Photography: Houssam Shahine
1st Assistant Director: Hady Mahmoud
Costume Designer: Dessarae Harrington
Production Company: Uprise Media/Backstage Pictures
Line Producer: Mohamed El Raie
Head of Production: Samer Salah
Art Director: Mark Wagih
Production Manager: Mohamed Salah
1st Assistant Camera: Salma El Kashef


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