Magical Books You NEED To Read for Fall | The Odyssey Online
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Magical Books You NEED To Read for Fall

Take a break from everything going on and fall into a good book.

Magical Books You NEED To Read for Fall

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You can pick up a horror book for October or you can choose from this list and have something to read all fall. These books have an element of magic, villains, and danger built in. From books that you can read on a break to ones that you won't be able to put down.

The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling 


Almost everyone is familiar with the story of the boy who lived. If you haven't read the series yet, you should. Pick up your favorite book in the series (mine is either The Prisoner of Azkaban or The Goblet of Fire) or start at the beginning. This is an easy fall read to start out with as it has magic, wizards, a prophecy, and many magical creatures.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo

Five misfits lead by the 17 year old criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker take on an impossible heist. Journey through the Gothic streets of Ketterdam with Kaz and his crew as they take on their biggest task yet, break into the Ice Court and save the world. Jurda parem is a drug that enhances Grisha power to dangerous levels and it is killing Grisha everywhere. Grisha are people who have supernatural abilities. The gang is tasked with breaking its creator out of the Ice Court. Can they do it or will they kill each other first?

The Shades of Magic Series by V.E. Schwab

Victoria Schwab

Kell and Holland are the last Antari, magicians with the rare ability to travel between Londons. Kell is from Red London, the flourishing London where magic is common. Holland is from White London, a dying London where people cling to any magic the can and fight for power. Kell is known for smuggling small things across Londons, keeping some things for himself and selling other things to Collectors. So what happens when he accidentally transports a stone from Black London, the dead London, to Red London? What happens when he travels to Grey London and comes back with the stone and a thief by the name of Lila Bard? Will the Antari kill each other in the fight for the stone and what happens to Lila? In this series with magic and multiple Londons you will have to read to find out.

Vicious by V.E. Schwab

Victoria Schwab

During their senior year of college, Victor and Eli discover that under the right circumstances, someone can develop superpowers. When they decide to test their thesis, things go very wrong. When Victor breaks out of jail ten years later he is determined to catch his old friend turned enemy. Eli is on a mission to wipe out anyone else with a superpower he can find. With both of them having powers, who is left standing in the end?

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Ransom Riggs

When Jacob is sent to Wales after a family tragedy, he discovers an abandoned orphanage. As he explores Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, he finds out that the children may have been more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. With time bubbles and monsters, this book mixes storytelling and photography. What will Jacob learn about his grandfather? Will he make it out alive? What is so peculiar about these children?

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