24 Clubs You Didn't Know Existed At LSU
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24 Clubs You Didn't Know Existed At LSU

If you've got some free time on your hands, consider joining one of these interesting organizations on LSU's campus!

24 Clubs You Didn't Know Existed At LSU

In addition to LSU's sports teams, Greek organizations and major-oriented meeting groups, there are 500-plus other clubs and groups at our school that you can join. Here are just a few gems that are available to you... some you may know, and some you might've never even knew existed. If you're interested in learning more about the mentioned club, just click the corresponding link.

Animal Care For A Cause

This club was established with the purpose of bringing students together to stop the mistreatment and abandonment of animals. They hold annual fundraisers to raise money that's donated to local human societies and rescue organizations.

Mock Trial

The American Mock Trial Association sponsors this club, which is centered on law, public speaking and the art of theatricality. "If you are a student who is considering a future in the legal field, or if you enjoy acting and public speaking," then this club is perfect for you.

Bad Movie Club

The Bad Movie club may be one of the most ~interesting~ clubs at LSU, and it celebrates "the unintentional humor of poorly made cinematic films, as well as providing students an opportunity to participate in discussions about cinema and what makes a movie good or bad."

Cajun Club at LSU

Definitely the most Louisiana-esque club at Louisiana State University, this club will teach you all about the Cajun lifestyle, traditions, culture, language, food, music, and history.

Elevate at LSU

Elevate's mission statement: "The purpose of Elevate is to inspire young women at LSU to find a lifestyle that enables them to be the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves."

Fashion Association at LSU

This club (formerly known as "Hemline") is perfect for anyone interested in fashion, and they participate in a variety of fashion-related events in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area.

Feminists in Action

This group works to "promote feminist awareness and activism" in our college community and is open to all students interested in getting involved.

LSU Ambassadors

The LSU Ambassadors serve as the ultimate student leaders on campus; they provide tours, lead orientation sessions, and act as all-around information-givers to students and parents alike.

Improv Club

This self-coached group is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about improv acting and get involved in real performances.

Karate Club

The Karate Club at LSU welcomes anyone who's interested in learning to train in karate, and no previous experience is required.

Quiz Bowl

LSU Quiz Bowl teams compete to answer a variety of trivia questions, getting together for regular meetings as well as at trivia nights at local Baton Rouge restaurants.

Service Breaks

LSU Service Breaks is a team-oriented volunteer group that participates in community service outside the Baton Rouge area.

The Bad Idea Society

According to their info page, the purpose of this organization is "to find possibly productive or interesting aspects of seemingly "bad" ideas." At the meetings, members will respond to prompts anonymously and engage in open discussion.

Tabletop Games Club

This club meets in West Laville Hall and features all kinds of strategic games, from board games to "Mafia" games.

Imprint Communications

Imprint is actually a student-run public relations firm and is perfect for anyone in the mass communication field looking for real-world experience. It's like a PR internship without ever leaving campus!!!

Planned Parenthood Generation Action

Planned Parenthood Generation Action is a student-led advocacy group that hosts educational events about all things sexual health, even collaborating with other organizations on LSU's campus.

Quidditch Club at LSU

Yes, you read correctly. This Harry Potter-inspired game is a mix between "rugby, basketball, dodgeball, and wrestling" and welcomes people of any athletic background. The Quidditch team even travels to compete against schools like Texas A&M, Baylor, and Arkansas.

Tigers Against Trafficking

Tigers Against Trafficking has three main objectives awareness, activation, and fundraising. This club works to raise awareness about the human trafficking issues in our Baton Rouge area and beyond.

Jump Rope Club

This club gets people together to practice jump-roping skills and promote all aspects of physical fitness. Members attend weekly meetings, participate in competitions and do volunteer work.

Running Club

The Running Club at LSU focuses on both the physical and social aspects of running and welcomes people of all fitness levels.

Spoon LSU

If you're a foodie, this organization is for you!!! Spoon LSU "is a food publication created for students, by students that is dedicated to creating unique food experiences on campus."

Kryptonite Flash Mob

"Kryptonite is the PREMIER hip hop flash mob crew here at LSU." The group has performed for events all around the community, like Homecoming Pep Rally, Fall Fest, Dance Marathon, wedding proposals and many more.

Outdoors Club

The Outdoors Club at LSU is all about fostering the interest of all things nature and fun; this group explores activities like hiking, canoeing, and camping, and plans for trips including these throughout the semester.

Score a Friend Club

The Score a Friend Club at LSU is actually a "non-profit organization, developed by Sarah, a 15-year-old girl in pursuit of her Girl Scout Gold Award." This group is all about fostering friendships and opportunities for kids with/without disabilities all around the community, through sports and fun activities.

These are just ~some~ of the amazing on-campus organizations here at Louisiana State University, so reach out and get involved!!!

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