Money is a necessity in this world. That doesn't mean that you should spend your life obsessed with how much money you have though. Being obsessed with money will literally never bring you true happiness. Money might bring you happiness in terms of material things, but that's only fulfilling for so long.
There is nothing better than genuine human love and if your love for money is more than your love for your significant other, you have a problem. There were a few people in my family who I noticed spending all their time at work and none of their time with their spouse. What is the point of that? Money only matters so much. Being financially stable is a dream most Americans have, and if you're fortunate enough to not be stressing about money, please enjoy time with your loved ones.
Maybe I'm just different from all the rest.
I genuinely believe human love is more important than money. I believe the love for your friends and your family should be more important than how many zeros you have in your bank account.
I think our time should be more valuable than our money. It's one of the only resources in which we are all equal. At this current moment, all the readers of this article have no idea specifically what the future will hold. In this way, we are equal.
It might have been my Economics 101 class last term, but I find myself examining the opportunity cost of my actions. I think about how much time it will take me to accomplish the task and then decide if it is truly worth my time. My time is truly my most valuable commodity and things worthy of my time should be of utmost importance to me. So, I make sure to spend my time with the people I truly love and care about deeply. I value human connection more than money and I hope this is something about myself that never changes.