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13 Of The Most Cringeworthy Moments That Happened On The 'Love Is Blind' Reunion

Amber's hatred for Jessica will live forever.

13 Of The Most Cringeworthy Moments That Happened On The 'Love Is Blind' Reunion

Netflix released the final episode in the "Love Is Blind" three-week event on Thursday morning and it was, umm, interesting.

This final episode of the season was a reunion with the full cast and the cringeworthy moments really take over as the entertainment for the episode because everything else was DULL AS HELL.

Jessica sitting near Barnett and Amber

I was worried Amber was going to take out her earrings and start throwing hands.

The playback of Barnett deciding between L.C, Amber, and Jessica

Producers played a clip of Barnett saying that Jessica was his front runner and that Amber scared him. I mean...

Amber calling out Jessica

I figured this was going to happen, but it was so awkward when it did.

Jessica not reacting whatsoever to Amber's confrontation

You could tell Jessica was very embarrassed from her behavior on the show and kept a really low profile during the whole episode.

Kenny and Kelly sitting right beside each other

I'm just happy that Kenny is happy, honestly.

Barnett sitting in the middle of this Jessica vs. Amber fight

I couldn't watch this go down, i just had to listen.

Damian and Lauren reenacting their "Star Wars" voices...?


Carlton Diamond

This was cute, but also really awkward.

Everyone confessing their "self reflection" every five seconds

"I definitely have had time to self reflect..." We get it.

Watching G and Damian watch G's meltdown after the wedding

Watching them rewatch these moments is SO uncomfortable.

Watching Jessica and Mark watch Jessica say she "wouldn't have looked twice at Mark" in the real world

How awkward for Mark to see that and how embarrassing for Jessica seeing herself say that. Yikes.

How ADORABLE Lauren and Cameron are and everyone else watching them gush about how perfect their lives are together

You know they're all jealous.

How boring the full 52 minutes were

I found myself getting very bored during this episode. I was expecting this reunion to resemble "The Circle" reunion with an audience and a lot more exciting moments, but it was mainly boring and uncomfortable.

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