"The Loud House" Character Theme Songs
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"The Loud House" Character Theme Songs

Character theme songs are the new thing in fan videos. Time to embrace it.

"The Loud House" Character Theme Songs

Fan videos, in especially in this day and age, have taken on many unique forms on the Internet. One of those forms is the Character Theme Songs video, borrowing from a practice in anime of having albums released consisting of songs for each of the characters. From shows such as Gravity Fallsand Ever After High to video games like Undertaleand multimedia cultural cornerstones like Harry Potter, fanboys and fangirls on the Internet are paying tribute to the stuff they like the most by vaguely connecting to meme songs and vapid pop hits.

Which leads us to The Loud House, which many critics are calling Nickelodeon's best cartoon since The Legend of Korra ended its respectable four-season run. To a certain extent, it is a good show. This is in spite of the fact that it has a ridiculous take on a standard premise: the possibility that being in a house with ten other siblings isn't a Kesey/Kafka-esque nightmare (Duggar family, anyone? ...Too soon?). Still, it has good writing and interesting characters, so things are balanced out overall. Heck, there are even some critics who are using terms like "instant classic."

So with that in mind, here are some character theme songs for The Loud House. Here is the video, along with the explanation for each of the songs:

  • Lincoln - “Take It Easy” - Eagles: This kid is pretty much the counterpoint of the whole joint. He's pretty much the kid that no one understands, except for the fact that his situation can be chalked up to "parents who never realized how to pull out in time." Still, he's remarkably nonplussed about the whole ordeal (except for when the plot calls for it to be otherwise), so this song fits.
  • Lori - “Sister Golden Hair” - America: I mean, it fits on the most basic surface level. She has striking blonde hair, and the lyrics could be interpreted as coming from Clyde's perspective. Ok, ok... You know that one moment from The Sopranos where Bobby Bacala’s dad gets killed in a car accident? Yeah, this was the song that was playing in his car in that scene, and that's the main reason why I put it here.
  • Leni - “Sister Disco” - The Who: She is, to put it mildly, not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. And if this show was a stock 80s sitcom, the joke the producers would assign to her would be "She liked disco back in its heyday." Thankfully, this is not one of those shows, despite its Sunday morning comic trappings, which part of why many animation critics are showering it with praise.
  • Luna - “Gimme Shelter” - The Rolling Stones: First of all, her rock idol is an obvious Mick Jagger parody. And second of all, the whole thing captures her kinda manic nature. Yes, I know the song is all about disillusionment with Vietnam-era society, and has been used in almost every Scorsese gangster flick ever. But still, "War, children... It's just a shot away, it's just a shot away..."
  • Luan - “White and Nerdy” - “Weird Al” Yankovic: If you want to get into specifics, her character can be seen as a strange mix of Mabel Pines and Pinkie Pie. But whenever she launched into her comedy routine, I got a major Weird Al vibe more than anything else. And this is the Weird Al song most people will recognize instantly.
  • Lynn - “Eye of the Tiger” - Survivor: Ok, ok, I know this song is the standard sports montage song ever since it first appeared in Rocky III. Still, it's a great blood-pumping, crowd-cheering song, and it completely fits Lynn like a glove.
  • Lucy - “Reise, Reise” - Rammstein: Technically, Lucy is a goth and Rammstein is a metal band. Then again... do any of you really care about any difference?
  • Lana - “Minority” - Green Day: Technically, I wanted to use "Welcome to Paradise", as the sensibilities of that song and the album Dookie in general with her tomboyish nature. Then again, I listened to the show's theme song a couple of times, and thought that "Minority" fit a wee bit better.
  • Lola - “Some Day My Prince Will Come” - Miles Davis: Yes, you are probably wondering why the Disney version isn't on here. Too which I reply: This is one of the best jazz pieces from one of Davis' best albums! I mean, it's not Kind of Blue, but it has great stuff like John Coltrane on the saxophone. You have absolutely no clue about who or what I am talking about? Oh, well...
  • Lisa - “Scrabble 2” - Aaron Zigman: In case you were wondering, this is a song from Akeelah and the Bee. And just like Lisa, the movie is both intelligent and generally forgettable. Still, you should check out the soundtrack on iTunes, it's got a lot of great Motown songs on there.
  • Lily - “All Kinds of Everything” - Dana: Yes, I know this is technically a song from the Eurovision Song Contest. Nonetheless, it sounds too much like a lullaby for me. I guess that song, along with other Easy Listening songs from the 70s like "You Light Up My Life", are the type of songs you can sing to your kid or your dog without any romantic connotations. Or anything with genuine teeth to it, for that matter.
  • Clyde McBride - “Good Kid” - Kendrick Lamar: Originally, when I was listening at first for ideas to some of Kendrick Lamar's work, there wasn't anything that made me associate with Clyde. But when I listened to the entirety of good kid, m.A.A.d city again on a deeper level, it deals with the idea of essentially being a bastion of sanity in a cesspool of madness. In a way, that represents Clyde's relationship with the Loud family in general and his friendship with Lincoln in particular. So I guess in that case, it would be good kid, m.A.A.d neighbors.
  • Bobby Santiago - “When You Were Young” - The Killers: On one hand, Bobby is a good boyfriend for Lori, and is generally smooth. On the other hand, he'e a dense idiot who can't hold down a job to save his life. So, to a certain extent, this classic from The Killers fits him quite well.
  • Ronnie Anne Santiago - “Girl Can’t Help It” - Journey: When it came to the episode featuring Ronnie, I thought all of the sisters would be wrong when it came to her liking Lincoln. So I was prepared to use "I Ain't Tha 1" by N.W.A. as her character theme song. But once the episode the episode wrapped up, it turned out they were right. So I used this track, which is one of the many Journey songs that isn't "Don't Stop Believing."
  • Chunk - “Heavy Metal” - Sammy Hagar: This is an old classic rock track through and through. Plus, there aren't very many songs about a grown man being a roadie for a teenage girl.
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