Lost in the Middle
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Lost in the Middle

Whether it's politics, religious beliefs, or music opinions, are you lost in the middle?

Lost in the Middle

There are first, second, and third world countries. There are the elderly, children, and adults. There is the upper class, middle class, and lower class. To Christians there is Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. There are religious believers, there are nonbelievers, and then there are agnostics.

Lately I've been feeling a little lost and when I find myself around people I get anxious because to some people, it's just not OK to sit on the fence or be firm in your opinions. It's a sign of weakness to them. Well they can call me weak, but to me when I see them being so stubborn and headstrong about subjects and topics I know they are not fully informed on I can't help but laugh a little while also being slightly annoyed while thinking about all the complex and little things they have either missed or disregarded.

Have you ever talked to someone like a teacher or someone explaining something to you and when you ask them why something works the way it does they can't answer clearly or say it's that way just because that's the way it is? That's because they don't know enough or aren't clear enough on the subject. They only know what they do because that's all they need to know to satisfy their needs but don't understand it at a deeper level. Although it might not look like it, the people in the middle tend to be some of the strongest because they have to deal with people on either side and have to try and keep them from tearing each other apart, and even if they don't succeed they just might be the last one standing.

Truth is, we're all more alike than we think and although we may have different perspectives on some things, many topics we share similar perspectives. Now I say similar because everyone is unique and like with everything, people's beliefs and ideas vary on a spectrum. Here's the thing about navigating a spectrum though, it changes slowly, bit by bit, from one polar opposite to the other and if you were to just jump from one side to the other it would be shocking, confusing, and no one would really understand how or why that change occurred without more information. That information is the middle, the journey, the transition itself, the real meat of the burger that gives all the juicy details that make that burger unique. Would you ever read the first chapter, then the last chapter of a book and claim you read the book, and even if you did how well do you think you could pull off leading a discussion or giving a presentation on it? Probably not to well because once you finish you'll die by the firing squad that is the Q&A session.

Now I know this sounds weird and most people can't stand the thought of it but if I could, I wish I could be a lifelong student. Funny thing is, we all are, unless you are a robot. It's in our nature, it's part of our instinct, it's how we survive; constantly taking in our surroundings and dealing with an ever changing environment keeps us on our toes and engaged, otherwise we could die. Now, sure, that's a bit of an extreme but it's just an example; like I said we're on a spectrum and everyone learns at their own rate. I guess I just want to learn a bit more and at a faster rate since the world and universe has too much to explore and I have too little time, especially since I'm no fortune teller and will never know which breath will be my last (how ironic would it be if I died writing that line).

Now if I haven't lost you yet, awesome.Bear with me a bit longer, I know I can seem like I jump all over the place and might not make sense but it's only because I was trying to prepare you a bit and give you a bit of my opinion and perspective before I make my point; I think now is a good time.

I'm lost in the middle. Everyday I am happy and sad at what I see and experience in the world. This is all I've known and every day I am anxious and on edge because I never know what direction the day will take. Please don't get mad or hate me because I am here. I know it's annoying dealing with people that seem to ask a million questions or seem like they don't know much about the subject at hand but we can't always help it. Take it easy on the people in the middle, and maybe take a page from their book and always be asking yourself why things are the way they are around you and how they got there, it helps for when things change you can try and understand the change a bit better. If this sounds like I'm trying to preach on what I know or claim everything I'm saying as fact, let me clarify and say that I'm just saying what's on my mind and my perspective, take it as you will. It can be pretty interesting when you try to understand things a bit more instead of accepting your feelings the way they are just because.Try not to stay too angry or mope around, but don't try to be happy 100 percent of the time either.

Like Bruce Lee says, we must be like water and be more fluid. Don't be the rock that stays stationary until it has withered away from erosion, but rather like the air and water that erode the rock while it travels the world and seeing it in all its glory and chaos. Sure it's not always pretty you'll go through some storms but it's more real and fulfilling than living in some kind of world where everything is the same and everyone shares the same views. If you haven't read or seen "The Giver,"I highly recommend it, it kind of goes along the same lines of trying to show that life is better when it is raw and experiences the full spectrum of emotion and ideas, not just one. No one is guaranteed or deserves a routine life, not to say routine is bad (it has it has pros and cons like everything else) but the world is survival of the fittest and if one truly wants to not only survive but thrive they must be prepared for anything.

Remember the past, think of the future, but live in the present. Come and get lost in the middle with me, I want to be stuck in the middle with you.

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