Long Live The Live Actions
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Long Live The Live Actions

People should give Disney remakes a fair chance.

Long Live The Live Actions

It's not a proper childhood without a Disney Movie. Children gather around the tv screen or rush to movie theaters to devour every ounce of that magic that Disney is known to manufacture. As kids grow into adults and go out into the real world, they take their impassioned feelings about their favorite Disney movies with them. Over the past five years, Disney has started to recreate their popular animated classics into shiny live action versions, and these avid fans have turned into avid attackers.

When Disney first set forth on this path with the new retelling of Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent, they opted to change up the traditional story and tell it from the villain's side. It was obviously taken well by the fans, for a sequel is coming out at the end of 2019. However, only a handful of years later and people are groaning at just the idea of a live action adaptation. What made all these past Disney believers lose hope so quickly?

I've heard a wide range of complaints from the new version being too similar or too different from the old one, how a live action movie would ruin the magic of the classic, to even how Disney needs to stick to original ideas and stop trying to make a profit on their old ones.

So far in 2019, Disney has released 3 Live Action remakes of classics- Dumbo, Aladdin, and The Lion King, and they don't show any signs of slowing down with these types of movies any time soon. All 3 made Disney a lot of money, especially the last 2 but received Rotten scores by critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Aladdin and The Lion King are two of my favorite Disney movies of all time, and instead of being pessimistic going to see them, I was super excited. To all these critics who are judging these movies the second they are announced, I have one thing to say to you: Give them a chance before hating them!

When you go to see the live action version of a cartoon, you essentially are getting to see an actor portray that character for the first time. In the animated classic, you get to hear them become the character, but you don't get to see them. Whether it's big names like Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, or Emma Watson or rising stars making their big break, they may be encompassing a character that means a lot to them just as it might to you, so don't be so quick to bash it, just because it's been done before.

The old classics may have been the Disney movies of our childhood, but these updated creations are for the kids of the 21st century. We are living in a fast paced, high tech world, obsessed with everything that is bigger and better than it was before. Some of the oldest of the movies, like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella might seem ancient to kids now, but the new films give a alternate outlet to get the traditional stories across.

The technology of the 20th century wasn't advanced enough to even think about a live action movie with talking animals. Yet in the past couple years, we've been gifted with technical masterpieces, The Jungle Book, Beauty and The Beast, and The Lion King that utilize cutting edge inventions that bring a new magical light to some of our favorite stories. So when people watch The Lion King, I hope they marvel in that, instead of laughing at the lack of emotion on the animals' faces.

When people go into a movie expecting the worst, they are sure to find the fine details to nitpick about. I saw complaints that Aladdin was too similar to the original and lacked any plot twists, but the minute Disney hires an African American actress in their upcoming live action version of The Little Mermaid, heads were rolling over the fact that one minor detail was changed. Who cares if it means thousands of little girls will have a new princess to look up to, if a grown adult is busy having a temper tantrum over things being different 30 years after the original was released.

With live action versions on the horizon, such as Lady and The Tramp, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, and Cruella, I advise all the haters to take a page out of Disney's book and find the magic in each film, even if it's just a spoonful of it. Don't see them as a chance to ruin the classics of your childhood but an opportunity to add on to the world and story you already love. If you can't even do that, then just don't go see the movie. Save that for the new generation of believers.

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