What It's Like Being A Designer, In Case You Didn't Know | The Odyssey Online
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What It's Like Being A Designer, In Case You Didn't Know

Because with a schedule like this, everyone should know.

What It's Like Being A Designer, In Case You Didn't Know

My hands were starting to hurt. Like, a lot. As they began to approach the point of numbness, I knew I needed to take at least a second to debrief and maybe take a sip of water, but I knew that wouldn't happen. With no bottle of water in my hand and no previous debriefing, at all, I continued to draft my fashion design ideas for my next garment. I always do this to myself, and I've honestly learned that in my major, I usually have to.

After running around, asking my roommate if she had any extra ideas to add to my 50 current drafted designs, and learning that coffee no longer helps when you're completely burnt out, a miracle happened. I designed the perfect dress—one that I could call my final draft, and would allow me to begin the design process. Phew, I thought, until I checked the deadline. The dress has to be done in a week.

I began to think for a second. I should be fine, right? As I at least know exactly what I will be designing, the process shouldn't be too bad. I have an entire week, besides my course schedule of 18 credits that runs from 9:30 AM to 7 PM every day, homework from those six classes, quizzes, projects, and essays, and the fact that Fashion Week is in two weeks and I still have to shop my outfits and finalize my plans.

I started to realize, like with every other design due date, that my only time to work on this project will be between any normal person midnight to 8 AM sleep schedule. With the company of Red Bull, Mountain Dew, and coffee, I'll get through it. Right?

Absolutely! Luckily, or..very unluckily, my body has accepted the fact that my extremely unhealthy sleep schedule and dependence on caffeine had become fundamental to my studies—and overall, my career. And, although my body will ache immensely after this week and I will likely have to run to CVS to purchase more Advil for those caffeine headaches and then for those headaches from too much caffeine, and also for the body aches, at least I am doing what I love.

At least I am doing what I love. And that's why it's worth it.

Sincerely, the life of a (possibly too) dedicated, exhausted, isolated (yet, usually content from doing what I love) designer. Now excuse me while I walk away to grab a red bull, do my homework, then begin making that dress that's due next week.

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