Here are a few things I wish someone would have told me growing up, and that I know want to share with everyone else in hopes that this will help them in ways they would have helped me.
About bras...
Bras last longer if you let them air dry - DON'T put them in the dryer.
Frizzy Hair Hacks
If you have issues with frizzy hair, do NOT dry your hair with a towel. It makes it ten times frizzier. Letting it air dry is the way to go.
Washing Clothes
When you wash white clothes, it's better to do it in hot water. All your other colors? Cold water.
Germs and Sponges
You can kill almost all the germs in a sponge by putting it in your dishwasher for a cycle. Or, microwave it for about two minutes.
Helping with Pests
Air out your room and let some sunshine in.
Period Panties
WEAR BLACK! Stains are going to be way less visible that way.
Saving Money
Put aside at least 10% of each paycheck. It'll add up quicker than you think.
Washing Hair
Use conditioner first - it helps keep the oils in your hair that keeps it looking healthy. Unless you have something in your hair, like hairspray, then use shampoo first.
Another Hair Washing Tip
If you have really long hair, just wash the tips and the close to your scalp. The rest of your hair will get all the cleaning it needs from the run off of your scalp.
If you can clearly feel your tampon, you have it in there wrong. A tampon used/placed right is practically unnoticeable.
Don't apply it right before you go out. Apply it a few hours before hand to give it a chance to close your pores.
Drying Clothes
Use the dryer sheet from the previous load to clean out the lint catch.
 Clean Face
Wash your face every day or as often as you possibly can if you can't do it every day. That will lead to cleaner, healthier skin. Also, don't pop your pimples!
 Folding clothes
Fold all your clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. It makes all the difference.
I hope these 14 life hacks help you as much as they have helped me since learning them!