Life Hacks Every Incoming College Freshman Should Know
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Life Hacks Every Incoming College Freshman Should Know

Everything you need to know.

Life Hacks Every Incoming College Freshman Should Know

Graduating from high school is super exciting, but preparing for the upcoming school year can be a bit intimidating at times when not knowing what to expect in college. Here are a few life hacks that'll save you some money and have you super prepared for when the school year starts.

1. Meet with your advisor but do some research before hand.

Meeting with an academic advisor will be very helpful in the process of picking classes and making a schedule. Your appointments will go smoother and you will get more out of the time if you do a bit of research on your own. If you go in knowing the classes that you are wanting to take or if you already know what your major is, check your school website to view the requirements. This way when meeting with the academic advisor you are aware of the classes you need and can spend more time asking questions that you may have instead of forming a schedule.

2. Do not buy your books from the school bookstore.

If you can avoid it, don't purchase your books from your school bookstore. Always use that as your last resort. They can be very overpriced and if you want to sell it back to the school by the end of the semester many times you will get little to nothing back. You can always go to the school library and see if your professor has books set aside on reserve for that course to check out. If not, the internet is your best bet. When searching for the required books for your classes, first try and Amazon. These are great alternatives for buying or renting books at a lower price. Most times with freshman and sophomore level classes it won't be beneficial to purchase your books anyway since they are not related to your major. Why buy books you'll never use again? I have found that renting used books from websites like Chegg are not only affordable but super convenient to return at the end of each semester. Plus, if you really enjoy the book and want to purchase it instead of returning it, they give you the option to purchase the book for keeps.

3. Order your books before classes start.

Usually I have found the closer you wait until the first day of school, the prices for books increase because websites know most people wait until last minute. Also your first week of classes your professor will assign homework and many times you will need the book to accomplish the assignment. Having the book before class starts is essential to being prepared. If for whatever reason you don't need the book, then return it for a full refund. This can also be avoided by double checking required books (not recommended) as well as you can always email your professor beforehand and ask if certain books are needed. Professors love this because it shows that you actually care about the course, and it gives you perfect opportunity to introduce yourself before the first day of class.

4. Use

You can thank me later. Not only does this website allow you to get the scoop on professors before registering for class, but it also gives you feedback from students that have taken the class on why they would or would not recommend it. It helps you to know if the class will be easy or difficult and even if you need certain materials. I recommend when registering for classes have the website open in another tab to go back and forth through classes to pick the class taught by the professor that seems best fit for you.

5. Planners/organizers are your best friend.

Being new to college can be overwhelming at first. Having a planner to organize classes, assignments and to-do lists will help you to stay on top of due dates and your work. It can be a little confusing at first if you have some classes some days and other classes on others, planners allow you to always know what classes you have on what days and what times. Quick tip: I have also found the first few weeks it is helpful to put the building and class number in your planner so you can avoid being lost or late to class.

6. Bring notes to class.

If your professor posts power points and lecture notes on blackboard, moodle, etc. print those out prior to class at the library or at home. This way when you go to class you won't have to scramble to write everything down but can follow along and write in key points that the professor says. It makes reviewing and studying way easier. Also if you find yourself to space out in class at times like me, it can be helpful to skim over the chapter that will be covered in that class the night before. This helps so during lecture you are somewhat aware of what your professor is talking about, you can participate more because you are familiar with the material, and when you have those space out moments you aren't missing much.

This next part is for all the incoming freshman living on campus.

7. Don't bring everything with you.

If you will be living on campus and if you live 2 hours or less from your school or live further but will go home for the thanksgiving holiday, do not bring everything with you. Dorm rooms are small and you want to make best out of what you have. I have found it helpful when living on campus to only pack what is necessary for that season and swap out clothes and shoes as the seasons change. You won't be using your ugg boots or winter coat in September, so why have them? Pack things only what you need, use often and wear frequently. If you don't wear it at least once every two weeks, leave it at home.

8. Have a few cleaning supplies on hand.

This is essential especially if you are living on campus with roommates. Dorm rooms get dusty pretty quickly. Lysol spray and wipes will become your best friend in keeping things a bit tidy. These also come in handy during the winter months when more people get sick. When being in such a small space when your roommate gets sick most likely you will too. Having just a couple cleaning supplies helps to not just stay clean but disinfect the room so you aren't as prone to getting whatever they have.

9. Become familiar with the campus.

Find out the cafeteria hours so you can conveniently grab food between classes and on breaks. Having a meal plan can be very expensive so I always recommend getting your moneys worth and using it as often as possible. Also knowing where things are in general will be helpful when you need assistance such as knowing where campus security is, student parking, the health center if you are sick, the mail room, where to do your laundry and more. I know some college campuses are larger than others, but during the summer schools are open so I recommend going and walking around and familiarizing yourself with where things are and what building you will be living in so you aren't as overwhelmed on move in day.

Entering college can be a scary and an exciting experience. Hopefully, you will find these life hacks useful and make you a little more prepared for your first year of college. I promise you that these will be the best four years of your life.

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