First of all, your life gets pretty great. So whatever you are stressing about right now really has no impact on the turnout of your life. Yeah, high school may seem tough to you right now, but it is preparing you for everything you are about to face in the coming years, both good and bad. I know it may seem like the end of the world, but it's really not, and you're going to feel this way many, many more times.
I have a couple of things I wish I could have told you before they happened. Because, in hindsight, everything that you worry about now is not even close to the things that you will be going through later... or the things people you love will be going through. You probably think that the drama going on is the craziest thing you will ever witness. You probably think that these are your friends that you will keep forever. And you probably think this is the prime of your life.
I can't even begin to explain to you how these events and situations you are experiencing will not matter in the slightest in the next couple years. You lost a friend and you think it is the worst thing in the world, don't you? Well trust me, you will find out soon that you are much better off without them. You are about to make friends that will last a lifetime. The bad grade you just got on that test? It has absolutely no affect on your future... Spoiler alert: you make it to college. And it really is the best time of your life. Please don't let these insignificant people and grades affect your life. You aren't even close to learning the important things that will really interest you and help you with your future. But don't get me wrong, still work hard... because trust me, Mom and Dad will kill you if you don't.
I know how hard you are working. I know that you feel that nothing is going to go your way or as you have it planned. But please, please let go a little bit. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen. And if it doesn't go as planned, then don't be upset. That's a sign that whatever you wanted was not meant for you. And again, you will find out that you are better off with the way things turn out. Right now you may feel that your plan is the only option, but keep an open mind and realize that what you think is best for you may not be the best.
So listen to those around you. Listen to your parents. Listen to teachers and counselors at school. Listen to your coach. Everyone knows what they are talking about more than you do and all they want is the best for you. There is only one man you can trust and that's your daddy and always listen to what your mom says because she ends up being right every time.
Oh, another thing... I know you are a young girl and all you dream about this perfect guy sweeping you off your feet when you finally get out of that hell hole you call high school. Like I said, let go of your plans a bit and look at who is right in front of you. You will soon realize that sometimes the one you are dreaming about has been right there all along. And never, never give up on them. Trust me on that one... it's worth it.
So stop for a minute and take a deep breath. Life really does go on and it's all going to work out for the better. Keep working hard and keep praying. God knows what He is doing for you, so let Him do it. And yeah, you are still going to struggle some. But if I've learned one thing, it's to let go and let life happen. Because I have proven to figure it all out in the end. We've got this.
P.S. Don't get bangs... They look terrible (no matter what Mom says).