18. Remind your loved ones that you love them, you never know how much this will be needed, and there is never a bad time for this | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things I Learned By The Time I Turned 20

"Mom is always right."

20 Things I Learned By The Time I Turned 20
Colby Fair

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Turning 20... beating teenage pregnancy... ending your teenage years forever... but you aren't actually 21 yet, what a bizarre age. Kind of feel like an adult, but also still kinda feel like a 12-year-old. Two decades in, and here are twenty lessons I have learned.

1. Teenage years will in fact end, don't wish them away so much

2 You deserve to remove toxic people from your life, and do not apologize for it

3. You can end a friendship without burning a bridge

4. Mom really is always right

5. Nothing happens when you mix colors when doing laundry, people are just dramatic

6. You are not meant for everyone, so stop trying to please everyone

7. Just be the nice one, always. Much better to be remembered for all of the good energy, even if it isn't the popular opinion in the moment

8. DNA is methylated, I kind of learn stuff in college

9. Friends build you up, not tear you down

10. Quality over quantity, this goes for friends, coffee, and clothes

11. Coffee first, always

12. There is always a way out, you will never be stuck in the same place forever.. And you might even miss that place you hated so much one day

13. Always pack the duct tape, literally always

14. Change can be good and lead to new experiences and friendships you never saw coming

15. It is way okay to chose to hangout with your guy friends rather than cliquey girls

16. Never turn down an opportunity to travel, whether it’s to Africa or Wawa down the street, travel always.

17. Stop taking things so seriously, life isn’t perfect and neither are you, so stop holding yourself to that standard. And more importantly, don’t let others hold you to it.

18. Remind your loved ones that you love them, you never know how much this will be needed, and there is never a bad time for this

19. Puppy cuddles and a good attitude really can fix anything

20. Live in the present, be positive, and spread joy... you won't regret it

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