There are rarely movies or T.V. series with or about gay men, but there have been even less with lesbians. The latest movie to feature a lesbian couple showed the two women for only a few seconds and honestly, you could not really tell, only assume. So where is the lesbian version of the happy gay men on “Modern Family,” and why were the rumors of a lesbian “Brokeback Mountain” hushed?
It kind of upsets me that there are many gay men couples on movies and shows, and very few lesbians. Enter my shout out to “American Horror Story,” who featured a gay couple in season one, and a lesbian couple in season two. They also included an inter-racial couple, bisexual, and pansexual people throughout their soon to be 6-season run. They have even touched up on young love and secret forbidden crushes. You guys are the real MVP's for including so many different aspects of human nature and history.
"Orange Is The New Black," a Netflix original loosely based on a woman's experience in prison, really takes the gold in this department. Although, it is not available for everyone until the seasons come out on DVD (they have periodically been released you can own them, it's fantastic), they still have the most lesbian representation that we have seen so far. They even include groups of people in the prison that stand up against the lesbian activity -- way to be realistic. There is even lesbian representation of screen. One of the screen writers, Lauren Morelli, and Samira Wiley (Poussey), have been dating since September 2014. Lauren actually divorced her husband to date Samira; which, any level headed woman would have done.
The only other lesbian couple that comes to mind is the one featured for only a few seconds in Disney’s, “Finding Dory.” Which was Disney's first featured lesbian couple, by the way. And honestly, you really have to jump to conclusions with this one because they could sisters or friends, just out for a day at the aquarium (and one of them just so happens to be a stereotype). Their appearance for all of five seconds did cause quite a commotion, however, as many parents bashed the inclusion of the couple being shown on numerous social media sites and refused to allow their children to watch the film. Apparently they did not realize during "Finding Nemo" that one of the stars is a lesbian . . .
There were rumors of a lesbian version of “Brokeback Mountain,” with Emma Watson as one of the lesbians. The rumors, however, were quickly hushed! I do not have all the details but apparently someone (not naming any names), did not want to do a lesbian version of the famous movie. Now you cannot even find word of the movie on Google search. So was it just a rumor, or did someone not want to accept a lesbian couple on the big screen the way a gay one was.
So where are all of the lesbian couples?! Honestly, as a society we have accepted gay couples more than we have lesbian couples. I would love to watch a heart-warming movie about a little teenage Christian girl who hangs out at a creek in the woods behind her house after school, who meets another girl one day and they go on this amazing emotional journey – maybe the little Christian girl has home problems because her parents do not agree with her living in sin, but it is not a choice so she just has to take the emotional abuse. Or maybe Ellen can voice another animated character but this one be a lesbian trying to find her place in this world. In the meantime, I will be over here laughing at the everyday struggles of Mitch and Cam on “Modern Family.”