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12 Lake Dos And MUST Dos

Here's how to have the BEST lake day possible.

12 Lake Dos And MUST Dos
Kallee Gambrel

As a child, I grew up in the summertime knowing that each weekend was a lake weekend. Some of my most amazing memories were made at the lake. Lake days are the best days, you can't argue that. But every good day consists of something consecutive, especially lake days. Going to the lake isn't supposed to be a chore, it's supposed to be relaxation. There isn't any rhyme or reason to my reasoning of why lake days are the best days, I just have reasons.

1. Pontoon

I can't say pontoon without feeling like a singer from Little Big Town. The songs accuracy is kinda scary. But really, being on a pontoon that's tied together with 4+ other pontoons is the best thing ever. Everyone is jamming to the same radio station, which is, by the way, playing bangers. Ran out of your drink of choice? No worries. Someone on the other pontoons is guaranteed to have your drink of choice and will share with you (only because they want some of your goldfish, fair trade though). And if you don't know what song I'm talking about, click the link, close your eyes, and imagine the perfect lake day.

2. Goooood company

This is important, the people you go with to the lake can either make or break your experience. Go with people you're close to, and especially go with someone who is going to be safe, drowning isn't cool. Take your best friends, significant other, and especially take someone who is going to be a blast, not to mention you'll be stuck with them on a boat all day long.

3. Lake time

This is SO important. When you're at the lake, you're on lake time which means time doesn't exist. You do what you want when you want but you must go with the flow. If it's your nap time then take a nap on the boat, don't complain and interrupt relaxation because you're salty. Chill out and let go, who cares what time it is. Oh and I can assure you that no one will let you starve, even if dinner isn't eaten until 9 or 10 o'clock at night I promise they didn't forget, they're just on lake time.

4. H2O

DRINK WATER. Being dehydrated at the lake is terrible.

5. Country music

Okay, don't get me wrong I love several different genres if music but when you're at the lake you have to at least play 75% country music. It's fitting for summertime. It's a must, don't @ me. (I'll bless you with some Luke Bryan)

6. Bonfires

Have a bonfire while you're there. You're going to be cold from your hot sunburn, so I promise a fire will make you feel nice and cozy. And it's always the perfect time for s'mores.

7. Make friends

I feel like this should be a gimme but it never hurts to implement some foundation rules. There will be people at the lake who aren't even from the state you're in, make new friends, invite people over to your bonfire and for dinner. Neighbors at the lake become like family, so don't miss out on the experience.

8. Din din

So this brings me to dinner. Dinner at the lake, as I said before, is usually at a later time than usual but when it is dinner time, it is hands down the best meals ever. Your neighbors and friends will either bring a dish or help your family cook. It's a feast every night. So savor every bite because you only get to feast like this during the summer months.

9. Waves

Not the waves on the water but actual waving. When you pass people on other boats or just pass people in general you must wave, even if you don't know them. Everyone does it, it's just a lake thing.

10. Wardrobe

When you're at the lake your attire usually consists of a bikini or trunks and a cover-up/t-shirt. That's it. No one is worried about what you look like, everyone is there to have a good time, not go to a fashion show. (Shoes are optional)

11. Water sports

This isn't for everyone, but if you're good at it, it's a BLAST. Tubing is playing it safe, well sometimes. Being flung 20 feet into the air is kinda scary but fun at the same time. Skiing is a total different story. It's fun when you're actually skiing but stopping can be painful, especially if you aren't athletic (like me). So play it safe and know your limits when it comes to water sports, but have fun!

12. Jump in!

The last important thing to know about the lake is how you're getting into the water: rope swings, cliffs, rocks, house boats, bridges, pontoons, literally anything you can jump off of is free game.

Have a life day of a lifetime and make amazing, unforgettable mems with the people you love most.

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