Who Knows My Boyfriend Better: Me or His Best Friend?
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Who Knows My Boyfriend Better: Me Or His Best Friend?

Can romance beat bro-mance? We'll find out.

Who Knows My Boyfriend Better: Me Or His Best Friend?

I've been dating my boyfriend, Caleb, for almost two years now. I feel like we share plenty of common interests and know a lot about each other. But, as many people do, my boyfriend has a best friend: Korey. Caleb and Korey are so close that I often joke that he would probably leave me to be with Korey. So, I thought it would be fun to put that to the test. I asked Caleb to quiz Korey and me to see who knows more about what Caleb likes. These are the results:

1. Favorite Movie (3 acceptable answers)


Morgan: Top Gun. That was one of the first movies you showed me so I'm going with Top Gun.

Korey: 50/50, because I am the purveyor of taste and I introduce all good movies to him.

Caleb: 50/50, Limitless, or 2049

Point: Korey

2. Favorite Food


Morgan: Any kind of pasta.

Korey: Geez... Chicken wings?

Caleb: Pizza

Caleb likes lots of foods but, unfortunately, neither of us got this one.

3. Favorite Color


Morgan: Blue

Korey: He has none, he's colorblind. (Just kidding, I think it's blue.)

Caleb: Blue

This one was easy. Point: both.

4. Favorite Show


Morgan: Silicon Valley. You watch a lot of TV shows so it's hard to know exactly which one is your favorite.

Korey: That 70's Show

Caleb: How I Met Your Mother

Caleb later told me that either one of our answers would have been his second choice. But they weren't his first so, again, no one gets the point.

5. Favorite Song


Morgan: "Free Bird"

Korey: "Free Bird"

Caleb: "Free Bird"

Again, another easy question. Caleb plays this song all the time. Point: both.

6. Favorite Actor


Morgan: Paul Rudd? I feel like this is wrong but I'm going with Paul Rudd.

Korey: Tom Cruise. I think he said he was his second favorite, but when I asked him what his favorite was, he said he didn't know...Tom Cruise it is then.

Caleb: Tom Cruise

Hello?! Tom Cruise is in Top Gun, how did I get question one wrong? Whatever. Point: Korey

7. Favorite Candy


Morgan: Sour Patch Watermelon

Korey: (Expletive.) I don't know. Lifesavers? Do those count as candy?

Caleb: Strawberry Sour Patch

My answer was closest seeing as I guess the correct candy just the wrong flavor, so we all agreed that I get the point.

8. Favorite Film Series


Morgan: Wet Hot American Summer. I don't even know if this is a series but I know you like it. Again, you watch a lot of movies.

Korey: Middle Earth

Caleb: Lord of The Rings

Point: no one

9. Favorite Book Series


Morgan: Percy Jackson? You don't read much.

Korey: … Middle Earth?

Caleb: Percy Jackson

We both love the Percy Jackson books. Point: Morgan

10. Favorite Band


Morgan: Journey. You went to their concert so that's what I'm going with.

Korey: AC/DC? Or Journey? I'm gonna go with Journey. This is hard.

Caleb: Journey

Point: both

11. Favorite Solo Artist


Morgan: Ed Sheeran

Korey: Ed Sheeran

Caleb: Lil Dicky

Korey and I agree that we were robbed this round. Point: no one

12. Favorite Shirt


Morgan: Either the "Allegedly" shirt or that blue one that says something about pizza.

Korey: "Allegedly." The blue one. The one he got from Rooster Teeth.

Caleb: "Allegedly"

He wears this shirt probably twice a week. Point: both

13. Favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe Hero


Morgan: Star-Lord. I would say Thor but you laugh more at Peter Quill so I'm going with him.

Korey: Thor

Caleb: Thor

I was so close, too. Point: Korey

14. Favorite MCU Movie


Morgan: Thor: Ragnarok

Korey: Thor: Ragnarok

Caleb: Thor: Ragnarok

Easy. Point: both

15. Favorite Soda


Morgan: Dr. Pepper

Korey: It got hard again. Dr. Pepper? I might be thinking of someone else.

Caleb: Dr. Pepper

Point: both

16. Favorite YouTube Channel


Morgan: Rooster Teeth

Korey: Rooster Teeth. The place he got his shirt from.

Caleb: Achievement Hunter or Rooster Teeth

Another easy question, he loves Rooster Teeth. Point: both

17. Favorite Comedian


Morgan: John Mulaney

Korey: John Mulaney (See commentary from question 1, but substitute "comedy.")

Caleb: John Mulaney

Point: both

18. Favorite Director


Morgan: Christopher Nolan? I don't keep up with directors and you know that so I feel sabotaged.

Korey: He told me the other day it was David Fincher. If he says a different answer I should still get partial credit because he's a liar.

Caleb: David Fincher

This is rigged. Point: Korey

19. Favorite Lord of the Rings Movie


Morgan: Fellowship of the Ring? They're all the same to me.

Korey: Return of the King

Caleb: Return of the King

Again, this is rigged. Point: Korey

20. Favorite Star Wars Movie


Morgan: Empire Strikes Back, solely because this is the only one I know the name of. (I've never watched Star Wars.)

Korey: New Hope

Caleb: New Hope

I'm telling you, it's rigged. Point: Korey.

So, the end score totals to Korey with fourteen points and me with ten. Evidently, bro-mance beat romance in this case. While I'm slightly disappointed that I was beaten (though we all know I was set up to fail by the end), I'm happy to know that Caleb has friends who know him so well. And we all know I love him the most anyway.

Overall, this was a super fun game and I highly encourage you all to play with your friends and your significant others! They might just surprise you.

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