"Kingsman: The Secret Service" is about a street kid with few prospects who is living with an abusive stepdad and feels pressure to protect his mother and little sister. He is recruited to join Kingsmen, a clandestine British spy organization.
Among the above (very diverse) group, only one is chosen to join the ranks of the Kingsmen, who have names referencing King Arthur's Knights of the Roundtable.
It has got loads of action scenes without the annoying shaky cam, which is the cinematic equivalent to a cop-out. Honestly, if you don't want to show the full effect of the action scene fully why even bother?
Kingsman is packed with absolutely amazing and clear action fight scenes. It starts off with a killer (literally) and very gruesome fight scene between Gazelle and a ex-Kingsman, but the ultimate gem was the infamous Church fight:
But beyond the amazing writing and well choreographed fight scenes, Kingsman is much better than your typical action movie that you watch once in theaters and never think about again.
I watched Kingsman after seeing a string of the same, cliched, boring, rehashed, and unoriginal action movies. One of them was "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," which you would think would be different because they even replaced typical human characters with monkeys, but it followed the exact same plot line as every other movie that I have ever seen in my life.
Hollywood lacks so much originality and needs to take more risks. Too bad they won't do that because it is a big corporation, whose end goal is money rather than producing good content.
Anyways, Kingsman is different. Though you can probably predict what will happen, the plot gets to that end point differently than a typical movie. Without spoiling too much, the movie is not predictable and has many surprises that no one could have seen coming. Its a brilliant film and if you are feeling bored of the typical plot, watch it.
It will give you hope that unique and original movies do exist and are being made.