Killin' The Coral Isn't Cool
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Killin' The Coral Isn't Cool

Did Finding Nemo teach us nothing about coral reefs?

Killin' The Coral Isn't Cool

Marine life is suffering; however, most of us, including myself, tend to focus on the more well-known wildlife. Preaching to save the whales and stressing the importance of shark endangerment, it seems that the recognition of other marine species' struggles have gone unnoticed. With our neglect, the environment has suffered and wildlife species are susceptible to the ramifications of nature's turmoil. This is devastating because, in such a short span of time, too much damage has taken effect -- it could be too late to salvage the marine life that has been negatively impacted.

In particular, a species that has hidden beneath the surface of the media's radar spreads along the ocean floor -- the coral reef. From small scale bays to the Great Barrier Reef engulfing the coast of Australia, coral reefs have served as a habitat for an immense amount of marine life. However, a widespread wave of death has swept over coral reefs across the world. Slowly deteriorating over the centuries, there was a significant spike beginning in the late 1900's. From this time, coral reefs have lost their vibrancy, their life throughout the decades.

Occurring exponentially fast, bleaching ultimately kills the coral and strips other marine creatures of their once flourishing habitat. What exactly is bleaching? Well it coined the term because of the horrendous color that the coral turns when it's been completely demolished. Bleaching is the process of stripping coral reefs of their food source. Coral reefs' food sources are in fact, in house; within the coral reef, plant cells can photosynthesize and self produce their own food. However, studies explain that due to causes such as rising climate temperatures and ocean pollution, these plant cells will release toxins into the coral. In response, the coral reefs expel the plant cells ultimately throwing away their only food source.

Why does any of this scientific, Bill Nye the science guy information matter?

Recently, Netflix released a documentary pertaining to coral bleaching in hopes to raise awareness. Within the documentary, scientists discuss that 25 percent of all marine wildlife depend on coral reefs as a food source, habitat, and protection. Proving to be a thriving ecosystem, fish, shellfish, even the Coral Trout and Moray Eel, all maintain a symbiotic relationship with the coral reef to survive in the ocean. Oddly enough, the Parrot fish eats the coral and turns it into sand. Each creature is so vitally important, but they all wouldn't be able to survive without the sanctuary provided by coral reefs.

Additionally, roughly a half billion to one billion people rely on the these marine ecosystems as a food source. Ranging from tiny villages to large cities hanging off the coasts, coral reefs sustain marine wildlife that is an equal factor contributing to the circle of life.

Coral reefs have proven a halcyon sanctuary for countless marine wildlife if Finding Nemo has taught us nothing. It would be a tragedy if we allowed human related causes to be the demise of what makes our Earth so beautiful. This is a simple remind to be kind to Mother Nature so that we may thrive in beauty and peace.

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