Running out of creative ideas to entertain the kids? Are you sick of the kids telling you that they are "SO bored?" Look no further! Whether you are a parent, grandparent, sibling or a nanny, here are 33 DIY activity ideas to make you look super creative.
1. Make fun-shaped crayons-
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees while the kids fill the tin with crayon pieces, arranging them in interesting designs or a mold. Bake just until the wax has melted, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the shapes after they have cooled. If they stick, place the tray in the freezer for an hour, and the crayons will pop out!
2. Make homemade Playdough-
Step up your Playdough game by adding some glitter or sprinkles into it! Here is a good homemade Playdough recipe.
3. Paint with water-
Super simple and keeps the kids entertained for hours! Even try adding some washable liquid water color to it!
4. Ice cream in a bag-
Only takes a few minutes and is worth it! Ingredients and instructions listed here!
5. Make Snow Globes-
Why wouldn't you want to turn a glass jar and some glitter into a magical snow globe?! Learn how to here.
6. Giant bubbles-
Find out how to make these giant bubbles easily and for cheap, here!7. Toilet paper roll bird feeder-
All you need is a toilet paper/paper towel roll, some peanut butter, and mixed bird seed! Simply cover the roll with peanut butter and roll it into the bird seed. Add a string to hang if you wish.
8. Wind chimes-
This website has so many cute and easy wind chime ideas! Check it out and get inspired!
9. Lego zip line-
You will be amazed how much time the kids will spend using this, trust me.
10. Make a fairy or gnome garden-
Super cute, easy, and fun to make and play with!
11. Shaving cream-
A can of shaving cream can create hours of endless fun.
12. Tissue paper & water art-
Lay down some tissue paper, paint over it with water and then peel it up!
13. DIY lava lamp-
Everyone loves a lava lamp, especially one they make themselves! Check out how to make one here!
14. Make some slime-
Want to make some slime? Maybe even glittery slime?! Check out how to here.
15. Tie-dye-
Everybody should know how to tie-dye, just saying.
16. Have a picnic-
Simple, easy, fun, and food is involved. What else could you want?
17. Marble Art-
Grab a piece of paper and lay it in a pan. Squirt paint on your paper and roll some marbles around and create an epic painting!
18. Mini volcanoes-
Who doesn't love a mini volcano?! Learn how to make them here.
19. Magazine collages-
20. Tape car track-
Simple and will keep the kids entertained all day long.
21. Mini paratrooper-
all you need is an action figure, a napkin, and some string.
22. Noodle necklaces-

Easy, colorful, time-consuming, and of course, fun!
23. Bubble painting-
What do you do? Just mix your paint with a little water, and a squirt of washing-up liquid, stir it up and then blow into it with a straw to create lots and lots of bubbles. You then gently place the paper over the bubbles to take a print from them, remove, and allow to dry!
24. Fairy Bells-
25. Window art-
Watch the sun shine through beautiful art! Cut out some paper of any shape and size. Cut some holes and have the kids glue some colorful tissue paper into it!
26. Dream catchers-
Cut a hole in a paper plate, create hole punches, and have the kids weave some string throughout it. Have them top it off with some beads and feathers. Make sure to hang it by their bed to catch those bad dreams!
27. Nature Art Collage-
Head outdoors and have the kids find some nature! Have them put it all together and create a masterpiece!
28. Paper plate sewing craft-
All you need is a paper plate and some string!
29. Bouncy Balls-
Learn how to make bouncy balls here!30. Squirt gun painting-
Fill up a squirt gun with some liquid water color and let the kids go to town! If you don't have an easel, use a thumb tack to hang the paper on a tree.
31. Pool noodle race track-
Who knew cutting a pool noodle in half would create such a fun toy?!
32. "Car wash" sprinkler-
Want to make something that will keep the kids entertained all summer? Well, here's the one.
33. Fidgit spinner challenges-
Check out this website for lots of fidget spinner challenges, games, and activities!