Keep Your Hands Off My Uterus | The Odyssey Online
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Keep Your Hands Off My Uterus

Until you fully understand the female reproductive system, your opinion is invalid.

Keep Your Hands Off My Uterus
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Let’s have some real talk for a second. 71% of elected officials are men. Meaning they don’t have a uterus. Are they capable of researching and learning about the female reproductive system? Of course! Do all them fully understand the complex system? Nope.

When Trump reversed Obama’s rule on contraceptive, I saw an uproar both in the classroom and on social media. People were bashing women for wanting to attain contraceptives. “Birth control leads to risky, sexual behavior” (And Viagra doesn’t?). “Sluts should keep their legs closed if they don’t want children.” “My birth control is Jesus Christ.”

Here’s a shocker for a lot of people out there:

Birth control is not used for only contraceptive purposes.

Crazy, right? Some women use them for acne, menstrual cramps, regulating their flow, and so many more purposes. Birth control is literally our medicine. Regulating my access to birth control is not doing anyone any good.

Now that we have addressed the issue that Trump is literally taking away women’s healthcare, let’s talk about those contraceptive purposes that everyone is so INFATUATED with.

Why did Trump reverse Obama’s contraceptive policy? To give employers the right to morally objectify a woman’s access to birth control. Yup, women who already pay for their birth control on behalf of their insurance package now must give their employers the right to take away their birth control if they morally object.

People do not morally object to helping women ease menstrual cramps, acne, or whatever the case might be. They morally object to women controlling their sexuality. There are many people out there with antiquated values who believe women should never have sex until they get married. While it seems absurd to me, I am no one to say that they are wrong to believe so.

Even one of my close friends responded to my enjoyment that I got a birth control that would outlast Trump with “My birth control is Jesus.”

If a woman uses birth control to prevent pregnancy, who cares? Seriously? Is it hurting you that a woman, married or not, is taking control of her body and making a conscious decision that she is not ready for a baby yet? Abortion clinics are disappearing daily.

Would you like to personally take care of an unwanted child that could have been prevented provided a woman had access to birth control? Will you be happy that your taxes are going to a woman’s Medicaid and food stamps to support that unwanted child? Of course not, you’ll tell her to go “Get a job.”

“If birth control is so important, why don’t you just pay for it?” I do. People who will be affected by this legislation pay for their birth control as a part of their health insurance covered under their employer. Many women, unfortunately, cannot afford their birth control and are not covered by health insurance. And now with Planned Parenthood walking on thin ice with receiving funding, access to affordable birth control (and much other crucial healthcare pertinent to women) is becoming increasingly harder to come by. Here are the costs of birth control:

The pill - $9-$50

The patch - $160-$600

Cervical cap - $7-$60

Condoms - $150/year (for average couples having sex appx. 2x/week)

Diaphragm - $15-$60

IUDs - $500-$1,000

The Implant - $875

Sterilization - $300-$6,000

Vaginal Ring - $160-$600

“Just go with the cheapest option.” It’s not that simple. These are hormones we’re talking about. It’s not a one size fits all deal. Some birth control options simply aren’t compatible with certain women.

Unless you are my doctor, then my uterus is none of your concern. If you want to prevent unwanted pregnancies, removing a safe and effective form of birth control isn't going to do that.

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