Jewelry- Who Said the Bling Just Had to be a Class Ring? | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

10 Vintage Items You Need As An Ivy League Alumni

Because who wouldn’t want to rep such a prestigious experience?

10 Vintage Items You Need As An Ivy League Alumni
Photo by Manu Ros on Unsplash

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Since the late 1700’s and 1800’s, historically high ranking universities such as Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell and Princeton have held the privilege of having significance as some of the oldest and widely recognized educational institutions. These schools became later known as “Ivy League” because of their football teams. According to Ivy, it is shown that out of 43,939 potential students who applied for the class of 2025, only 5.2% (2,284) are admitted (from regular decision rates)

To be an alumni of any one of the ivies is an honor because not only were you picked out of such a competitive pool to attend, but you made it through the toughest of courses. Special honors go to the elders who are leaving ongoing legacies of graduating from such valuable institutions; especially those who broke barriers as minority attending students!

Antiques from these schools hold great value beyond monetary value- they care wisdom, resilience, and memories of progress. If you are in search of a perfect gift or memorable item for yourself, look no further! Collectible Ivy has a plethora of antique Ivy League items such as dolls, programs, metallics and art that dates back to the 1800-1900’s. This online store also carries vintage items from other respectable non-ivies such as Duke, Norte Dame, U.C. Berkeley and Stanford as well as Army and Navy antiques. Here are some staple antique items that will bring about joy to any Ivy League alumni/vintage enthusiast!

Pennants- Only the Staple of the College Experience!

Harvard Flag Penmant (Red)

Harvard Penmant form ($26.00)

Yes, these felt flags that appear in every college film have a name! Pennants have been popularized over time and make for classic dorm room decor. These are commemorative in the athletic world to show support for teams. Collectible Ivy offers many of these pennants that date from the 50’s and 70’s. They come in not only the classic flag form, but can come as shields and in a rectangle form. These vintage pieces also a great addition to anyone’s man cave, basement bar, or anywhere to add a piece of nostalgia.

With a simplistic, yet classic appeal, this nice piece of décor makes for great flair anywhere!

The Banner, The Better! - These Wide Banners Are Great to Complete Your Space!

Large red Cornell University Banner

Cornell University banner from ($45.00)

CollectibleIvy offers historic university banners, such as this bright red Cornell University one that add a splash of school pride to any room! Currently on the website, there are banners for Princeton, Yale, Cornell, Yale, Duke, and Columbia. Many of these banners offer attached grommets so they can be hung and proudly displayed.

These banners make for a loud statement anywhere!

Iron on Patches- An Absolute Need for DIY Vintage Looks!

Princeton Iron Patch

Princeton Patch from ($35.00)

CollectibleIvy offers various patches, such as this awesome Princeton-iron on patch from your favorite Ivy League Schools! These patches can help to customize most fabrics, such as denim and letterman jackets to make for awesome DIYs! These would make great gifts for current students and alumni alike with a creative eye.

Pins and Buttons!- Small, but Powerful Statements!

blue and white yale bulledogs pins.

Yale Bulldog Pins From Collectible Ivy (Set of 3- $10.00)

CollectibleIvy offers many Ivy League and military pins and buttons that make for small but mighty representations of Ivy League prestige. These pinback buttons are great for purses, backpacks, hoodies, hats, lapels, jackets and anything else you could possibly pin. As pictured above, these set of pins from Yale University are great to spread school pride wherever you can go.

Not to mention, these buttons are the ideal accessory for gameday!

And Speaking of Gameday, Check Out These Sports Programs!

1987 Columbia v Penn Football Program ($35.00)

Collectible Ivy offers a variety of football programs, ticket stubs and class day programs that can date back to the late 1880's. These historic football programs and tickets are in great condition and truly hold a moment in time. These would be a great gift for current and former football players, cheerleaders and game-day goers that carry and light the torch of Ivy League spirit!

Jewelry- Who Said the Bling Just Had to be a Class Ring?

Duke University Necklace ($45.00)

Jewelry is always a great gift for liked and loved ones alike. Vintage collegiate jewelry is a rare find and carries value beyond monetary worth. These carefully designed pieces, such as this Duke University necklace are not only stylish, but are symbolic of the everlasting legacy of Ivy League Institutions.

Add Some Flair to Your Kitchenware

Antique circa 1900 Eleven Piece Princeton University Coffee Set ($985.00)

CollectibleIvy offers a variety of vintage collegiate kitchenware, such as this lovely Princeton coffee set, and other tea cups and saucers that would make for a wonderful homecoming gift. There are full sets on the site which include Harvard and Yale themed tea sets that are ceramic and feature beautiful patterns.

These Plates May Look Good to Eat Off Of, But They Tell An Even Bigger Story!

Harvard Wedgewood Plate- Library- Business School ($75.00)

CollectibleIvy offers a plethora of beautiful plates that serve as great additions to your fireplace or mantlepiece. These plates show various campuses, such as this one that shows Harvard's business school, surrounded my delicate floral decals.

Read All About It! Collectable Ivy has Detailed Books & Posters of All Kinds from Your Favorite Ivy League School

University of Chicago - Birds Eye View Map ($45.00)

Bring a splash of color to your walls with vintage posters and colorful maps! CollectibleIvy offers beautifully detailed renderings of life on campus for the ivies and metropolitan colleges alike. There are various options from full sized posters to postcards that pay homage to collegiate landmarks.

These would make for a meaningful gift to your favorite alumni!

Bring It All In- Fun Attire That Celebrates All The Ivies & More! 

College Pennant Drawstring Bag- Duke, Brown, Stanford, etc.

A must have for your vintage needs. This wonderfully detailed fabric bag features pennant print from colleges all across the country such as Ivy League, big 10 and private schools, and women's colleges. The classic lettering and color scream vintage collegiate! This would be a perfect gift for parents and grandparents of multiple legacy makers.

This design is also on wallets, storage boxes , megaphones and more on

Get yours today !

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