Two And A Half Months: Awaiting The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year | The Odyssey Online
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Two And A Half Months: Awaiting The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Smiling's my favorite.

Two And A Half Months: Awaiting The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


Waiting for the most wonderful time of the year is the most difficult time of your life. Together, we can get through it. Think about December. Think about the cookies. (Disclaimer: all cookies rock. I don’t discriminate, nor do I necessarily prefer Christmas cookies over normal cookies. Chewy Chips Ahoy or die.)

And so, let us take a moment to remind ourselves about the things we love most in this world. Let’s reminisce, and think about the season of Christmas. Hopefully this will help tide us over for the next 70 days or so.

Can we talk about "The Polar Express"?Great. The book is wonderful and all, but Tom Hanks as an animated train conductor on the way to the North Pole? Along with the BEST soundtrack of all time? Featuring freaking JOSH GROBAN during the credits singing what should be considered one of the BEST Christmas songs of all time? Done. I’m done.

Not much compares to “Believe,” but has anyone ever complained about a little Frank Sinatra, specifically “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”? No. Of course not. And you know as well as I do that Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas” has never given us anything but joy. Probably tears too, but that’s implied.

("White Christmas" is on Netflix. You’re welcome.)

The essentials: "25 Days of Christmas" on ABC Family. If you don’t put that schedule in your phone calendar, what’s the point?

And if you don’t change your name on Facebook to your Christmas name, do you even CARE about the birth of Jesus Christ? (I, Jingle Bellie O’Neil, as well as the rest of the Marquette community, owe a special thanks to Maureindeer Cummings for bringing this into our lives. S/O to my personal favorite Christmas name, O Come All Ye Caitful McAndrew.)

Think about the ice skating. And the hot chocolate. And the pretty snowfalls. And the LIGHTS. Think about the lights, people. Especially at Bayshore. And the "Elf" quotes. We’ve been quoting it all year, but they’re finally relevant again. It’s our TIME.

Okay, it’s not our time yet. But son of a NUTCRACKER we are so close. These next few months will fly by. All we have to do is distract ourselves. There are 50 plus Christmas movies on Netflix we need to take advantage of in order to take the edge off. Michael Buble’s Christmas album is on Spotify. We have options. Have fun and watch an ABC Family original movie, or study for midterms. The choice is yours.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night.

Note: Please contact Maureen Cummings with any Christmas name requests! It’s never too early to start planning. Names will go LIVE on Facebook on December 1!

Additionally, as you may have noticed, there is no mention of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"in this article. I, unlike most of the population, do not like this film. I do not apologize for my opinion, but I apologize if I have caused anyone to take offense.

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