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Making The Best of your summer without an internship!

If you're stressing about what to do this summer, here are a few things you can do to build and grow this summer!

Making The Best of your summer without an internship!

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We're deep into summer and while many people are busy with summer internships, what about the people who don't have full-time internships at their dream company? What can they do during the summer?

Now, there is nothing wrong with not having an internship this summer! In fact, this can be a great time to build your network and do things that you're passionate about.

You can still be proactive in working towards your goals without having an internship. You just have to navigate differently and plan things that will help you grow. So here are a few things that you can do this summer that will benefit you and prepare you for next summer:

Networking is Key!

Recently I learned that 70 to 80% of all job availabilities are not posted online. That means that, at most, we only have access to 30% of jobs available in the market. Having a connection in your industry can create a path towards that dream internship. It also puts a face to your resume, which always helps. Another great thing about networking is that you're surrounded by your peers. This can help you can learn valuable information that you probably didn't have access to before.

Work on Your Skills!

As humans, we are not perfect. As college students, we definitely don't know everything, especially when it comes to the industry that we want to work in. Working on building your skillset is a great way to develop and grow. Whether it's learning how to code, use Microsoft Excel, or anything else, the internet has many great and FREE resources that will teach you skills that are valuable for any resume. There are also many sites like Coursera and edX that have thousands of free courses online. You can learn how to do anything like learning how to play the flute or solving differential equations just from a simple commitment to these websites.


Volunteering is a great way to fill up your schedule this summer. You'll be helping the community at the same time as you will be spending your summer. Whether you're working at a soup kitchen or reading to kids at your local library, you'll be making a difference that doesn't compare to any corporate internship.


This is a great time to prepare for applying for internships for the next semester or even the next summer. Organize a list of places that you would want to intern at and use this time to have friends, family members, or former professors review your essays or resumes. If you need a recommendation or reference, email them now so that when school starts, you aren't rushing to get one from a busy professor.

Have Fun!

You are finally done with the school year! Take a breath and realize that you're okay and everything happens for a reason. There is no reason for you to be stressing out about the fact that you don't have an internship. Go out with your friends, catch a movie, or do whatever you think is fun at this moment. If you spend the summer moping around about not having an internship or stressing out about an internship for next semester, it will get you nowhere. So, chill out bro!

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