10 Instagrammable CTA Stations, For The Chicagoan On The Move | The Odyssey Online
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10 Instagrammable CTA Stations, For The Chicagoan On The Move

Chicago has a robust transit system, so why not take further advantage of it?

https://www.instagram.com/p/BucX43BnK2V/ (CTA trains enter and exit the Loop)
Instagram: @chicagocta

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If you've ever visited Chicago, you know how crucial the CTA is to the city's history and character. The trains that rumble around and beneath the city make it not only easy to get around but also makes Chicago so much more connected.

And of course, another part of Chicago's character stems from its rich architecture. With that being said, here are ten Instagram-worthy L stations that incorporate two of these fundamental elements of Chicago's history: the L and architecture.

1. Belmont Blue Line station

This L station in Avondale's remodel was unveiled in 2019 with a new butterfly design, replacing one of the most antiquated stations on the Blue Line. If you have time to kill on the way to O'Hare, be sure to go above ground and see this architectural beauty.

2. Paulina Brown Line station

The Paulina Brown Line station has a variety of murals perfect for your profile and a couple of aesthetically pleasing benches for you to relax in as well. Also, be sure to check out the variety of events happening at the Paulina Street entrance throughout the year.

3. 35th-Bronzeville-IIT Green Line station

The Illinois Institute of Technology's legacy really shines on this L station. Get ready to snap some shots as the L goes through an oval-like structure entering and exiting this station.

4. Cermak-Chinatown Red Line station

Chicago's Chinatown has a special place in my heart and its L station reflects the vibrancy of that Chinese heritage. In addition to the tile mural above the escalators, be sure to get a good shot of Cermak Road showcasing the iconic Chinatown Gate.

5. Wilson Red and Purple Line station

This historic Red Line station in Uptown was in desperate need of a makeover given its older look. Now Wilson is much roomier and has a glass atrium over the station that is calming to the look.

6. 18th Pink Line station

The Frida Kahlo mural on the southern entrance of this station is just the tip of the iceberg of the murals lining this station. Located in the heart of the Pilsen neighborhood, this station reflects the tenacity and character of a neighborhood in the crosshairs of gentrification.

7. Washington/Wabash station (Orange/Green/Pink/Purple/Brown Lines)

The newest L station in the system, established in 2017, looks like a crown jewel; in fact it was designed to reflect the Jewelers' Row district that sits beneath the station. Truly a gem!

8. Conservatory-Central Park Drive Green Line station

With the Garfield Park Conservatory next door to this station, this L's station house reflects the quaintness, serenity and minimalist nature that we all seek from the plants inside the conservatory. Admission is free and the conservatory makes a perfect refugee from Chicago's harsh winters.

9. California Blue Line station

Though this station in Logan Square itself might not be the prettiest, this station provides stellar views of the skyline looking southeast. While you're waiting forever for the Blue Line to come, be sure to capture such a timeless shot of the greatest city in the world.

10. Fullerton Red/Brown/Purple Line station

I might be a bit biased with this station since this stop serves DePaul, but with Vinny always ready to pose and the skyline in the background, you'll have yourself asking: can you really blame me for my bias here?

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